To sustain a strong regulatory body. ERC @ ‘11 EFFECTIVE, RESPONSIVE CITIZENS by 2011 OBJECTIVE: To sustain a strong regulatory body.
Theme: EMPOWERED CONSUMERS 2 0 0 8 Theme: EMPOWERED CONSUMERS Objective: To Cultivate Informed, Educated and Participative Power Consumers Breakthroughs: Responsive DUs’ CWD ERC CWD Annual State of the Electric Power Industry Conference HR Development Plans: Conduct Team Building Activities Realignment within the Corporate Structure Foundations of Organizational Restructuring Continuous Capacity Building/ Training of ERC Staff Force Ranking Using Current Performance Appraisal Systems and Procedures: 5S of Good Housekeeping
Theme: RELIABLE, QUALITY ELECTRICITY 2 0 0 9 Theme: RELIABLE, QUALITY ELECTRICITY Objective: To Advance Cohesive Power Development Planning and Ensure Responsive Technical Standards & Secure Compliance Breakthroughs: Benchmark Performance of DUs HR Development Plans: Hire HR Consultant (to start the evaluation of ERC Organizational Structure) Devise a New Performance Appraisal & Compensation System Continuous Capacity Building/ Training of ERC Staff Change Management Systems and Procedures: Adopt a Learning Organization
Theme: VIBRANT COMPETITION 2 0 1 0 Theme: VIBRANT COMPETITION Objective: To Provide a Stable Environment for Competition Where There are No Barriers to Entry & There is Vigilant Surveillance. Breakthroughs: Prepared and Informed Stakeholders HR Development Plans: New Organizational Structure Continuous Capacity Building/ Training of ERC Staff Implement the New Performance Appraisal and Compensation System Systems and Procedures: ISO 9000 Certified
Theme: EFFICIENT UTILITIES MANAGEMENT 2 0 1 1 Theme: EFFICIENT UTILITIES MANAGEMENT Objective: To Ensure the Provision of Efficient & Quality Service to Consumers and To Forward a Culture of Excellence in Utilities. Breakthroughs: Utilities Performance Index (UPI) or Scorecard for Utilities’ Performance (SCUP) HR Development Plans: Continuous Capacity Building/ Training of ERC Staff Evaluation and Monitoring (post mortem) Systems and Procedures: Total Quality Management
VISION Asia’s benchmark for excellence in power regulation. MISSION The Energy Regulatory Commission will promote and protect long-term consumer interests in terms of quality, reliability and reasonable pricing of a sustainable supply of electricity.
End of Presentation