The Greek City-States
The Polis Acropolis- Fortified hill at the center of a Greek city. A temple of the local god stood at the top. Agora- Open air marketplace located at the foot of the acropolis. Polis (city-state)- Made up of farming villages (which became cities), fields, orchards, acropolis, and agora. Acropolis of Athens
City-States Each city-state: Had its own government. Had between 5,000-10,000 people. Only allowed native-born people to be citizens, vote, own property, and take part in government and the army.
Sparta In south-central Greece, area known as the Peloponnesus. First ruled by a king. Aristocrats (nobles)- People with privileges based on heredity (born into them). Aristocrats took over the government around 800 B.C.E.
Spartan Government 2 Kings with little power- led army and held religious ceremonies. Only aristocrats could be citizens. All citizens over 20 were members of the Assembly which passed laws and decided questions of war and peace. Ephors- five men chosen to lead the Assembly. Council of Elders- Men over 60 who helped the ephors and served as a court.
Spartan Society Spartan land farmed by helots- enslaved people owned by Sparta. Helots had to give ½ their crops to aristocrat landowners. Perioeci (pār ē ē sī)- Merchants or artisans who lived in Sparta. Neither slaves nor aristocrats. 750 B.C.E. there were 20 times more helots and perioeci than aristocrats.
Spartan Life Strong military-minded people. Unhealthy babies were left on hillsides to die. Boys sent to military camps at age 7 trained to be soldiers. Men married at 20 and lived in military Barracks. Could retire from army at age 60. Women had more freedom than other Greeks. Could mix freely with men and attend sporting events.
Resisted use of coin money, literature and art. Spartans resisted change believed new ideas would weaken their way of life. Resisted use of coin money, literature and art. Remained a farming society based on slave labor. Spartan Market
Athens First ruled by kings. 750 B.C.E. – nobles, merchants, and manufacturers took over government and set up an oligarchy. oligarchy- government where a few people have ruling power.
Solon- rich merchant who set up a constitution in 594 B.C.E. Constitution- a set of principles and rules for governing. This limited power of rich, gave landowners right to vote in the Assembly or ruling body. Assembly could make laws. Solon erased all debts. Offered citizenship to more people. Solon
Peisistratus (pī sis’ trah tus) took over government in 560 B.C.E. Supported lower classes divided large estates among landless farmers. No land requirements for citizenship. Encouraged the arts.
After Peisistratus’ death, Athenian government overthrown by Sparta. 508 B.C.E. Spartans overthrown by noble Cleisthenes (klīs’ thuh nēz) He set up government that was democratic- favored the equality of all people. Assembly was open to all males over 20.
Managed daily business of Athens. Could only serve two terms. Council of Five Hundred- Names of 500 citizens chosen at random each year. Managed daily business of Athens. Could only serve two terms. Citizens required to educate their sons. Boys studied writing, math, and music. At 18 males became citizens and took an oath to Athens. Pythagoras
Oath Taken by All Athenian Men I will never disgrace my sacred arms nor desert my comrades in the ranks. I will fight for temples and for public property, whether alone or with my fellows. I will leave my country not less, but greater and better than I found it. I will obey the magistrates and observe the existing laws, and those the people may hereafter make. If anyone tries to overthrow or disobey the laws I will resist him in their defense, whether alone or with my fellows. I will honor the temples and religion of my forefathers.