OPTIMALE Optimising professional translator training in a multilingual Europe.


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Presentation transcript:

OPTIMALE Optimising professional translator training in a multilingual Europe

OPTIMALE overview Optimale: an Erasmus academic network funded by the Directorate-General for Education and Culture. 65 EU partners + 5 « Third country » partners. 31 countries involved in the project. In close partnership with the European Masters in Translation (EMT) network.

OPTIMALE objectives OPTIMALE aims to act as a vehicle and stimulus for innovation and high quality in the training of professional translators. Optimale will: 1- Produce an extensive map of ongoing translator training programmes in European Higher Education institutions. 2- Monitor market needs and professional requirements relevant to translator education and training. 3- Translate new professional competences into learning outcomes. 4- Implement training of trainer sessions.

OPTIMALE timeline Year 1 Year 2 Annual Conference 12/2011 Evaluation report 02/2012 Annual Conference 06/2013 Final report 09/2013 Year 3 WP1- Project management WP2- Project dissemination WP3- Mapping translator training WP4- Monitoring market and societal needs and professional requirements relevant to translator training WP5- Training for professional practice WP6- Training of trainers WP7- Evaluation / Quality Plan Project website 02/2011 Launch meeting 01/ /201010/201110/2012

OPTIMALE: Year 1 Project web site Steering committee meeting WP3- Programme fact sheets WP4- Research on market and societal trends WP4- Monitoring market and societal needs and professional requirements relevant to translator training WP3- Mapping translator training WP1- Project management WP2- Project dissemination WP7- Evaluation- Quality Plan Launch meeting WP4- Joint workshops 10/201009/201111/201012/201001/201102/201103/201104/201105/201106/201107/201108/2011 Steering committee meeting

OPTIMALE: Year 2 10/201109/2012 Annual Conference Steering committee meeting WP3- Research and training of trainers report Steering committee meeting WP5- Synthesis reports WP5- Case studies- good practice WP4- Joint workshops WP7- Evaluation- Quality Plan WP1- Project management WP2- Project dissemination WP4- last month WP5- Training for professional practice WP6- Training of trainers 11/201102/201203/201204/201205/201206/201207/201208/201212/201101/2012 WP5- Workshops Evaluation report WP3- Interactive Map WP6- Training of trainers sessions

OPTIMALE: Year 3 WP1- Project management WP2- Project dissemination WP5- Training for professional practice WP6- Training of trainers WP7- Evaluation- Quality Plan 10/201209/2013 WP5- Reference framework Annual Conference WP5- Resources materials WP6- Training of trainer resources Steering committee meeting 02/201303/201304/201305/201306/201307/201308/201311/201212/201201/2013 Final report WP5- Workshops WP6- Training of trainers sessions

OPTIMALEs Organisation Optimale consists of 7 Workpackages: WP1: Project Management WP2: Projet dissemination WP3: Mapping translator training WP4: Monitoring market and societal needs and professional requirements relevant to translator training WP5: Training for professional practice WP6: Training of trainers WP7: Evaluation-quality plan

Focus on WP1: project management Workpackage leader DurationDeliverablesDelivery dateComments P1- Rennes 2 36 months Project Management and Dissemination 30/09/2013 Steering committee meetings 10/ / / / / / /2013 Launch meeting01/2011 On January 29th, Brussels Project web site02/2011

Focus on WP2: project dissemination Workpackage leader DurationDeliverablesDelivery date Comments P18- University of Ljubliana 36 months Annual Conference Year 2 12/2011In Brussels Annual Conference Year 3 06/2013In Brussels

Focus on WP3: Mapping translator training Workpackage leader DurationSub-WP leader DeliverablesDelivery dateComments P1- Rennes 2 6 months P1- Rennes 2 Interactive Map10/2011 P9- Swansea University Programme fact sheets 06/2011 P61- University of Grenada Research and training of trainers report 12/2011

Focus on WP4: Monitoring market and societal needs and professional requirements relevant to translator training Workpackage leader DurationDeliverablesDelivery dateComments P17- University of Alcala de Henares 12 months Research on market and societal trends 06/2011 Joint workshops 09-10/2011 UK/ France/ Belgium/ Italy/ Austria/ Lithuania/ Spain/ Romania

Focus on WP5: Training for professional practice WP leader DurationSub-WP leader Sub- Workpackage DeliverablesDelivery date Comments P3- Babes- Bolyai University 20 months P23- University of Vienna Training for professional practice: new tools and technologies Synthesis reports 06/2012WP5.1: Workshop in Vienna P2- Aston University Training for professional practice: domain specialization Case studies – good practice 06/2012WP5.2: Workshop in Salamanca P10- Universidad de Salamanca Training for professional practice: professionally- oriented practices Recommenda -tions for good practice 12/2012WP5.3: Workshop in Aston P3- Babes- Bolyai University Training for professional practice: quality assurance Workshops12/ /2013 WP5.4: Workshop in Cluj-Napoca Resource materials 12/2012

Focus on WP6: Training of trainers Workpackage leader DurationDeliverablesDelivery dateComments P6- Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci 20 months Training of trainers sessions 12/2102Organized in Lithuania, Poland, Bulgaria, Belgium Training of trainers resources 06/2013

Focus on WP7: Evaluation-Quality Plan Workpackage leader DurationDeliverablesDelivery dateComments P1- Rennes 236 months Evaluation reports 02/ /2013