Information from the Maths Faculty Transition Evening Information from the Maths Faculty
Upon entry into yr 7 In Mathematics, all students were taught in tutor groups for the first half term. Booklet of activities – Numeracy, shape, space, handling data, geometry and algebra. Using KS2 data, baseline test data and CAT tests students have been split into 2 streams of parallel classes on both sides of the year group – - Set 1a, 1b High ability pupils - Set 2a, 2b Intermediate/mixed ability pupils
Set 1a/1b/2a/2b ? In the Westgate, there are only slight differences between the various classes. All pupils follow the same Programme of Study but different classes may cover topics in more depth with more challenging problems. Students can be moved at any time in Yrs 7, 8 , 9, 10 & 11 based upon their performance when comparative data is available from three topic tests and after end of year exams. We encourage all pupils to aim for the highest grades regardless of their starting point, we have several pupils that make 5 levels of progress from KS2.
The Maths House Style Two books. Large orange “revision” books for written examples, notes and used over several years. Small green exercise books used for classwork/home learning showing a learning journey and dialogue between pupils and teachers. We use a rich vein of resources, including worksheets and text books, if applicable. Bring scientific calculators , protractors and compasses to every lesson.
Typical unit of enquiry Smiley sheets are given out at the start of a topic. These list the content to be used or developed on a project Lessons check prior knowledge and then rapidly move onto providing the skills needed to complete the project or unit. At the end of a topic, formative assessment will be undertaken to inform pupils about how well they have performed on a topic and to provide them with targets to improve.
Eg. Design a new maths block Year 7 – Area, perimeter, nets and surface areas of complex 2D and 3D shapes. Year 8 – Plans and elevations, ratio and scale drawings, sequences. Year 9 – Survey the existing building, use ICT to produce detailed plans and elevations. Work out demolition and construction costs. Present your project.
Feedback At the end of each topic, each student should complete a topic test and fill in any targets in their maths log book. Due to individual pupils’ strengths and weaknesses performance in topic tests might fluctuate. After three topic test assessments, pupils should record their score and the class median in their planners.
Home Learning 5 min numeracy tasks – learn and practice times tables, learn spellings and meanings of mathematical key words. Complete a mymaths booster pack over several weeks. Home learning – set as needed to re-inforce lessons taught in school 1 x 60 min or 2 x 30 min Mymaths westgate parallel Mathslink homework books and electronic text books.
What can you do to help? “I was never any good at maths…..” vs “I really enjoyed maths…..” Encourage asking questions in class. Maths catch-up Monday/Wednesday after school Ensure they know their times tables – this really speeds up progress in lesson. Ensure they have a calculator, preferably a scientific calculator, (mobile technology continues to be banned in formal exams), protractor and compass. Make sure you check progress through planners, Maths Log Book forms and communicate with us. Internet access Westgate parallel Smiley sheets and Mathslink electronic text books.
Information from the Maths Faculty Transition Evening Information from the Maths Faculty
New mathematics curriculum Mathematical reasoning Problem solving New content Memorise formulea Three terminal exams, no coursework Use of trigonometry in foundation Venn diagrams and set theory. Introduction to calculus and functions of functions in Higher. (Its an IGCSE from the Independent sector)