Goal & Scale Essential Content
Conestoga PD Day November 7, 2016 Goals, Scales, & Rigor Conestoga PD Day November 7, 2016
Agenda Partner-up & choose a standard from pile Goal & Scale DI Easy-Peasy “Unpack That Standard Into A Goal & Scale” Activity DI/ P&D Scale check “Rigor? What Does It Look Like in Your Classroom?” Activity How will you display your goal & scale in your classroom? Why?
Essential Content Unpack standards Create friendly goal & scales Identify essential content Direct instruction lessons Practice & deepening lessons Knowledge applications lessons Reflection Design Scaffold Lessons Rigor
I DO, WE DO, YOU DO Easy-Peasy “Unpack That Standard” Activity ID & Circle Record Circle & Underline Resources Needed: Standard Goal/ Scale Template
ID & Circle… Record… Circle & Underline…Record
Scale score 4 3 2 1
MA4.3.1 Geometry: Geometric Characteristics & 2D/3D Shapes 0 Not Using 1 Beginning 2 Developing 3 Applying 4 Innovating Doesn’t understand the essential content Able to recognize & identify the essential content Able to name, label, create, & make draw, create, classify, categorize/sort, & compare/contrast the essential content differentiate factors & explain Essential Content Rays Angles Acute Obtuse Right Points Lines Line segments Parallel Perpendicular Intersecting 2D shapes Use protractor Draw angles with degrees Measure angles Draw lines of symmetry Right triangles
Essential Content Unpack standards Create friendly goal & scales Identify essential content Direct instruction lessons Practice & deepening lessons Knowledge applications lessons Reflection Design Scaffold Lessons Rigor
Rigor? Goal is helping students develop the capacity to understand content that is complex or ambiguous, and personally or emotionally challenging. High expectations are important and must include effort on the part of the learner. Quality of thinking, not quantity, can occur in any grade and at any subject. Deep immersion in a subject which should include real-world settings and working with an expert. Choose which statement best represents your belief of rigor. Why? 2. Improve that statement.
Types of Lessons Direct Instruction Lessons Practice & Deepening Lessons Knowledge Application Lessons Types of Lessons
How? Direct Instruction Practice & Deepening Knowledge Application
Essential Content Unpack standards Create friendly goal & scales Identify essential content Direct instruction lessons Practice & deepening lessons Knowledge applications lessons Reflection Design Scaffold Lessons Rigor
How will you display your goal & scale in your classroom? Why?