Drilling & Measurements (D&M) Prepared by: Ararat Abdulla Abdolghafour
Agenda An Induction about Schlumberger An introductory description about D&M Different Services of D&M MWD and its tool LWD and its related tools ADS Surface System A comparison between LWD and Wire-Line Logging
Introduction Schlumberger was established in 1926 by French Brothers Conrad and Marcel Schlumberger. Approximately 108,000 employees from 140 different nationalities in 85 countries. The World’s Largest Oilfield Service Company. Supplies services such as well testing, well cementing, wire-line logging, D&M, well completion and some others.
D&M As drilling developed and new technology dominated the society of petroleum, D&M as a new concept started to blossom. Since directional drilling started getting demands, D&M became inevitable.
The Services of D&M Basically D&M comprises four services and each service has its own importance. The services are the following: MWD (Measurement while Drilling) LWD (Logging while Drilling) ADS (Advanced Drilling System) Surface Equipment
1.MWD Measurements while Drilling (MWD) is a segment of D&M that is basically defined as taking measurements while the process of drilling is underway. MWD is considered as a power bank, telemetry and direction & inclination indicator. It provides real-time data and information on tool face and drilling operations can be acquired through MWD.
MWD Tools The followings are some of the most important MWD tools: Telescope Impulse (Telemetry and Resistivity) Slimpulse ShortPulse (Telemetry only)
Telescope Telescope is one of the MWD tools which is predominantly used and consists of four components. MTA (M10Turbine Assembly) PMEA (Power Up M10 Electronics Assembly) MMA (M10 Modulator Assembly) TAPWD (Telescope Annular Pressure While Drilling Downhole flow rate Direction and inclination Transmission module Electronics Power generation Downhole weight and torque on bit Gamma ray or 3-axis vibration
MTA (M10Turbine Assembly) Consumes the flow of drilling mud to generate power.
PMEA(Power up M10 Electronics Assembly) This comprises four sub sections. D&I (Direction and Inclination) modules Drilling mechanics modules Natural Gamma Ray modules Control power
MMA(M10 Modulator Assembly) This assembly primarily consists of a rotor and stator. Through the rotor and stator, pressure mud pulses are created. Telemetry is another function of modulator and the measurements through the mud pulses will be sent to the surface.
TAPWD(Telescope Annular Pressure This is a part of telescope tool which primarily measures annular pressure and temperature as well. The pressure measurements are usually of greater demand .
2.LWD (Logging Wile Drilling) LWD is the technique of lowering logging tools into the wellbore located in the subsurface and acquiring different logs during the drilling process underway. Through LWD, petro-physical properties are evaluated especially in high angle wells.
LWD services The common LWD services are the followings: Natural Gamma Ray Resistivity Porosity and Bulk Density Acoustic
When it comes to resistivity, we usually have lateral and propagation resistivity. Different resistivity tools measure these two distinct types of resistivity. The basic differences between lateral and propagation could be seen in the next slide.
Comparison Propagation Lateral Uses current to measure resistivity. Higher vertical resolution Gives images Tools: GVR(Geo Vision Resistivity)/RAB(Resistivity at the bit) Microscope (GVR4) Uses electromagnetic waves as a source to measure the resistivity. Lower vertical resolution Average resistivity logs Tools: ARC(Array Resistivity Compensated) Periscope
LWD Tools There are different tools that measure physical and petro-physical properties such as resistivity, density, sonic, porosity and etc.. Here in this presentation, I would just focus on the tools that measure resistivity. ARC and GVR/RAB and their functions will be discussed shortly.
ARC (Array Resistivity Compensated) Multi depth Compensated average Resistivity (2MHz and 400MHz). Average natural gamma ray. APWD (Annular Pressure While Drilling). Drilling mechanics measurements (Shocks, Pressure, etc..)
GVR(Geo Vision Resistivity)/RAB(Resistivity at the bit) Near bit lateral log resistivity. Button Resistivity Images. Natural Gamma ray Drilling Mechanics Measurements( shocks, Temperature , pressure, etc..). Near bit inclination.
3. ADS (Advanced Drilling System) ADS is another important service of D&M and comprises two parts. Conventional Directional Drilling (Mud Motors) Rotary Steerable System (Power Drive)
Mud Motor Mud Motor is always placed in the drill string to provide additional power to the drill bit while drilling. This additional power is transferred to the drill bit through drilling fluid. Normal rotation of the bit while using a mud motor can be from 60 rpm, to over 100 rpm. Mud motor allows the drill bit on the bottom of the drill string to rotate and is powered by the drilling fluid. Bit rotation is independent of the drill string rotation.
Mud Motor Advantages: Extremely hard rock formations can be drilled with motors using diamond or PDC bits. High penetration rates can be achieved since rotation speeds are high. Disadvantages: If used for directional control the down-hole assembly may be long and this may take time to assemble on the rig floor. Bit speeds can be very high as such bit selection is important. The high speeds may limit the use of certain types of bits.
Power Drive Power drive is a rotary steerable system (RSS) tool that optimizes directional drilling. It consists of three basic components: Control Unit Bias Unit Receiver
Power Drive Tasks Transfers torque to the bit from the top drive. Transmits near-bit information. Steers the well.
4. Surface System Surface system is another service that D&M provides. The most important components are the following: Logging Unit Computer Sensors
Surface System The procedure is that the down hole measurements through mud pressure pulses are transmitted to the surface and received by sensors. Then they will be transferred to the computer available in the logging unit from the sensors. Using some types of computer soft wares, the measurements get encoded.