The New Hungary Development Plan and Life Long Guidance
Social Renewal Operation Programme The New Hungary Development Plan Social Renewal Operation Programme Action Plan
‘European Union to be the most competitive knowledge economy characterized by social inclusion in the World by 2010 ‘(OECD, 2004)
People need to invest more in their employability in order to be able to respond to labour market changes by planning and managing their carrier by developing additional competences
1. challenge: Integration of guidance activities within life long learning strategies Facilitating personal development and employability to all citizens through continuous engagement with education and training, assisting them to find their way through increasingly diversified but linked learning pathways, to identify their transferable skills, and to validate their non-formal and formal learning. (OECD, 2004)
regardless of their situation (unemployed jobseeker, student, worker) 2. challenge: Development of lifelong guidance systems, is to provide lifelong access to career guidance to all persons regardless of their situation (unemployed jobseeker, student, worker)
The New Hungary Development Plan The backbone of all developments of vocational training 2007-2013 Challenges: the content and quality deficiences of vocational training the weaknesses of the career orientation and consultancy system
IMPROVEMENT OF ADAPTIBILITY In order to strengthen competitiveness, and to participate in the labour market, it is necessary to make sure that employees and enterprises can meet the challenges of a changing economic and social environment. An important condition for the above is the increased flexibility of employment, which has to be achieved together with the maintenance of employee security.
The adaptability of employees is strengthened Adaptability widely interpreted means that the intervention involves all the activities, which serve the adjustment of various institutions (including civil organisations and churches) and institutional systems to changes and economic-social challenges.
Life-long learning is particularly important - Adjustment to changes necessitates that the conditions for life-long learning are established and made available. - Training opportunities have to be accessible to all, including poorly educated and elder employees (in line with the integrated guidelines and recommendations) and migrant employees.
- Particular attention needs to be paid to employees affected by the processes of structural changes (including those affected by the employment effects of public services reforms). - Interest in the development of training offers adjusted to the needs of the economy has to be strengthened through the system of career orientation, career monitoring and quality assurance, and training should be made available to all.
The vocational and adult training centre system built on each other operating in a coordinated way should be established with the development of the regional institutional system and network, and further extension of regional integrated vocational training centres.
The most important elements of employability are suitable qualifications and skills the foundations of which have to be laid during the formal school system. In order to - make sure that the quality and efficiency of the educational system improves - the employment chances of people coming out of the educational system increase, it is indispensable that the education and training are adjusted to the needs of the economy content and structure of education and training flexibly meet the social and economic requirements.
The educational-training content and structure, the compatibility of various training institutions, the opportunities for mobility and career guidance system all have to support the coordination of labour force demand and offer as well as the adaptability to labour market needs.
Social Renewal Operation Programme - Tertiary education - Reforms in vocational training and adult training - Public education reform - Flexible training - Development of the institutional system promoting adaptability on the labour market - Development of lifelong guidance systems, is to provide lifelong access to career guidance to all persons
Social Renewal Operation Programme 1. Tertiary education C career orientation counselling does not support the transformation of the structure of the tertiary education with a view to satisfy labour market needs S career guidance services in universities
Social Renewal Operation Programme 2. Reforms in vocational training and adult training C Career-orientation services are insufficient S Coordinated development of vocational and adult training
Social Renewal Operation Programme 3. Public education reform - In respect of content of the education - In the field of structure of the education - In the structure of primary education
Social Renewal Operation Programme 4. Flexible training Content of the programme - Development of the system of vocational training and adult training at institutional and regional level (continued development of the system of Integrated Regional Vocational Training Centres (TISZKs), establishment of regional training networks) - Development of the system of career orientation - Career tracking of those finishing the vocational training - Quality insurance - Examination control - Curriculum development - Training, further training for teachers and practical instructors - In-company practical training
Social Renewal Operation Programme 5. Development of the institutional system promoting adaptability on the labour market Main directions of the vocational and adult training system’s development are as follows: - training system - changing the regulations and establishing the national system of quality assurance - teachers’ further training - extend learning opportunities to raise demand for training and to stimulate learning
Social Renewal Operation Programme 6. Development of lifelong guidance systems, is to provide lifelong access to career guidance to all persons With - a view to improving adaptability - increasing willingness of mobility - ensuring workforce supply corresponding to the needs of the economy, we enhance the career orientation, career counselling and career monitoring services
Social Renewal Operation Programme A uniform career orientation and counselling system will be established - to allow for getting acquainted with a wide range of trades and professions, - to facilitate well-considered career selection for both young persons and adults modifying their career.
Social Renewal Operation Programme Career orientation will contribute: - to combating employment segregation - to make specialities and careers of mathematics, natural sciences and technical sciences more attractive.
LLG in the Social Renewal OP 2007-2010 SROP 2.2.2. National Employment Office (Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs) SROP 2.2.1. National Vocational and Adult Training Institution (Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs) SROP 2.2.3. call for proposals - SROP 3.1.1. Educatio (Ministry of Education and Culture) SROP 3.1.8. Institutions for Development and Research in Education (Ministry of Education and Culture) SROP 4.1.4. Educatio (Ministry of Education and Culture) The career orientation services appear within the second axis of the OP, which aims at improvement of the adaptability.
Measure 2.2.2. of Social Renewal OP Priority: Improvement of the adaptability Title: Content and Methodology Development of the Career Guidance Systems Basic information: First action plan: 2.08 Billion HUF Date of contract: 15 October 2008 Second action plan: 2.80 Billion HUF Budget: 4.90 Billion HUF
Measure 2.2.3. of Social Renewal OP Priority: Improvement of the adaptability Title: Content and Methodology Development of the RIVTC system Basic information: First action plan: 12.6 Billion HUF Date of contract: March 2009 Second action plan: 6.5 Billion HUF Date of contract: November 2009 Budget: 19 Billion HUF
Measure 2.2.1. of Social Renewal OP Priority: Improvement of the adaptability Title: Improving the quality and the content of training Basic information: First action plan: 7.80 Billion HUF Date of contract: 20 November 2008 Second action plan: 4.20 Billion HUF Budget: 12.00 Billion HUF
Measure 3.1.1. of Social Renewal OP Priority: Providing quality education and ensuring access for all Title: 3.1.1. Public education in XXI. – Supporting the dissemination of competence-based education First action plan: 10.50 Billion HUF Date of contract: 24 April 2009 Second action plan: 10.50 Billion HUF Budget: 21.00 Billion HUF
Measure 3.1.8. of Social Renewal OP Priority: Providing quality education and ensuring access for all Title: 3.1.8. Improving the quality of public education Basic information: First action plan: 2.04 Billion HUF Second action plan: 3.60 Billion HUF Budget: 5.64 Billion HUF
Measure 4.1.4. of Social Renewal OP Priority: Developing the content and organization of higher education to create a knowledge-based society Title: Improving the quality of tertiary education Basic information: First action plan: 0.57 Billion HUF Date of contract: 20 July 2009 Budget: 0.57 Billion HUF
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