ROMANIA “Fourth UNECE MARS Group – Advisory Group on Market Surveillance” 25 - 26 September 2006 Bratislava Elena PERJU – Senior Adviser Ministry of Economy and Commerce
STATE OF NEW APPROACH DIRECTIVES IMPLEMENTATION 28 directives full transposed 1 technical regulation under revision process in order to be full harmonized with the specific directive (marine equipment) 27 technical regulations already into force “4-th MARS meeting” 25-26 September, Bratislava
25-26 September, Bratislava Governmental Decision no.891/2004 regarding the setting up of some measures for market surveillance of product within the regulated fields provided for in the Law no.608/2001 on products conformity assessment, as subsequently amended “4-th MARS meeting” 25-26 September, Bratislava
25-26 September, Bratislava Governmental Decision no.891/2004 regarding the setting up of some measures for market surveillance of product within the regulated fields provided for in the Law no.608/2001 on products conformity assessment, as subsequently amended Main provisions: The objective of market surveillance; The stages of market surveillance process; The main measures that control bodies can take in order to monitor the products and to eliminate the found nonconformities, observing the principle of proportionality; The main responsibilities of the manufacturer, its authorized representative and of the others persons responsible for the placing of products on the market; The main responsibilities of the competent authorities; The requirements and the conditions on which the exchange of information process is based, in relation with Romanian competent authorities, European Commission and the member states of EU; “4-th MARS meeting” 25-26 September, Bratislava
25-26 September, Bratislava Market surveillance The market surveillance activities are performed by the structures nominated by competent authorities through technical regulations, which transpose European directives; “4-th MARS meeting” 25-26 September, Bratislava
The market surveillance covers Romania’s entire territory “4-th MARS meeting” 25-26 September, Bratislava
25-26 September, Bratislava For each area, covered by technical regulation, each competent authority have nominated one or more bodies which performs market surveillance activity and support their activity allocating founds from the state budget “4-th MARS meeting” 25-26 September, Bratislava
In this field 10 Market Surveillance Bodies operates State inspectorate for boilers, pressure vessels and hoisting equipment –ISCIR-SP ; Romanian Bureau for Legal Metrology- BRML-SP; National Authority for Consumer Protection -ANPC; Labor Inspection; General Inspectorate for Communication and Information Technology; Ministry of Health ; Romanian Naval Authority; State Inspection in Construction; General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations, subordinated to the Ministry of Administration and Interior; Romanian Agency for Energy Conservation (ARCE) “4-th MARS meeting” 25-26 September, Bratislava
““Market Surveillance Workshop” The Ministry of Economy and Commerce ensures the coordination, on national level, of the market surveillance activities ““Market Surveillance Workshop” 4-5 September, Taastrup
Group of Dialogue with, and between, Market Surveillance Authorities “4-th MARS meeting” 25-26 September, Bratislava
“Quality Infrastructure Multi-country Project” Ministry of Economy and Commerce and The State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance – responsible partners in “Quality Infrastructure Multi-country Project”
Thank you for your attention “4-th MARS meeting” 25-26 September, Bratislava