Gifted Gazette SES September, 2017 Ms. Kim Morgan September, 2017 Contact Me: email Phone (912) 754-3326 Class DojoC website: Follow me at: Ms.KimMorgan@GiftedSmarties Upcoming Events! Math Clubs 7:30 – 8:10 – Singapore Math Advanced Problem Solving and Sumdog Math Website. Students can play Sumdog at home also! 5th grade Monday 7:30 – 8:10 , 4th grade Tuesday 7:30 – 8:10 , 3rd grade Wednesday 7:30 – 8:10 Chess Clubs (optional during recess) – 5th grade Monday, 4th grade Tuesday, 3rd grade Wednesday We are enjoying our new giant outdoor chess board! County Chess Tournament - Spring 2017 (date and location yet to be determined) Our top 4 chess players will be chosen) to attend and represent SES and hopefully bring home trophies (based on results of class tournaments and chess club tournaments) Field Trips Kelly Tours phone number - (912) 964-2010 website Field Trips - More information will be sent home closer to the field trips. Students will be counted present on field trip day(s). 1st & 2nd Grades – Tuesday, November 7 - Columbia Riverbanks Zoo - See over 2,000 species of animals! 5th Grade overnight field trip to Kennedy Space Center – Thurs. & Fri., Jan. 25 & 26 Sleep under a rocket & Shuttle Experience! 3rd & 4th Grades - South Carolina State Museum – Wed., March 14, 2018 Star Lab Planetarium & Gallery Tour! Parents, if you plan on attending any field trips this year, please read the message and follow the instructions below: MANDATED REPORTER TRAINING FOR PARENT VOLUNTEERS As established by Georgia law, any parent, guardian, or caregiver who volunteers in any capacity within the school system must participate in a training session for mandatory reporting prior to working with students. As mandated reporters, any adults who work with children on a regular basis are legally required to report observed or suspected child abuse and/or neglect. This training is accessible online and may be viewed at home or at school for your convenience. Please follow these directions to access and complete the training module: Parents will access and complete the Mandatory Reporting training module by logging onto On the left hand side of the Compliance Director homepage, parents will find a link entitled “Georgia”. That link will connect them to a list of standard modules, one of which is “Mandated Reporting”. Once parents click the “Mandated Reporting” link, they will be prompted to enter a username and password. Please use the following access information Username- Effingham County Password- football Once parents have completed the module, they will be required to enter information so that they can be identified as having completed the online training. When asked to enter one’s name “as it appears on your paycheck”, parents should enter their legal name. Parents should also provide a valid email address in order to receive confirmation of module completion. Please keep this confirmation email as evidence of module completion.
Loads of Learning in the Gifted Lab! 5th Grade Critical Thinking Skills – Convergent Thinking – Double Logic Grids and Detective Mysteries to solve, Thinking Through Analogies Moving on in Latin with Minimus Secundus – grammar, roots, skits, 1st Semester Research/ Technology/ STEM – Space Race (as it relates to the Cold War)/ Design a Website using Google Sites Singapore Math – Advanced Problem Solving Readworks, Jacob’s Ladder Reading – for Gifted Learners Chess Tactics 4th Grade Critical Thinking Skills –Convergent Thinking/ Primary Education Thinking Skills Purple Book, Analogy Challenges Latin – Minimus – Ch 7 – 12 grammar, roots, skits 1st Semester Research/ Technology/ STEM – The Civil War: Battles, Ironclads, Design an advanced Google Slides Presentation Chess Endgame Strategies 3rd Grade Critical Thinking Skills –Convergent Thinking/ Primary Education Thinking Skills Green Book Latin – Minimus – Ch 1 – 6 grammar, roots, skits 1st Semester Research/ Technology/ STEM – Energy/ Fossil Fuels/ Conservation/ Heat/ Light, Design a PhotoStory Presentation Chess Openings 2nd Grade Critical Thinking Skills – Primary Education Thinking Skills Convergent Thinking Red Book, Analogies for Critical Thinking Spanish – Greetings, Colors, Numbers 1 – 10, Animals 1st Semester Research/ Technology/ STEM – Animal Research, Continents, Habitats, Design your Own Zoo and Zoo Habitat for your animal/ Video Read and Turning Pages of your Report All STAR Math – Advanced Problem Solving Readworks, Jacob’s Ladder Reading & Literature Circle – Charlotte’s Web Chess Basics 1st Grade Readworks, Jacob’s Ladder–Reading Color My World Chess – Coloring, Singing, Dancing, Introduction to pieces, Mini Games