----------------------------- Mandatory National Service Lincoln-Douglas ----------------------------- Mandatory National Service Resolved: In the United States, national service ought to be compulsory Version I -- August 14, 2017
----------------------------- Mandatory National Service Lincoln-Douglas ----------------------------- Mandatory National Service Lecture Lecture Key Terms of the Resolution Affirmative Arguments Negative Argument
----------------------------- Mandatory National Service Lincoln-Douglas ----------------------------- Mandatory National Service Resolved: In the United States, national service ought to be compulsory In –Within/Throughout United States – Country, but doesn’t describe where the service ought to take place – proposals include the peace corps, for example; military service occurs outside the US National Service – service to one’s country – military service, “community service” – Education Corps, Americorps, peace corps, legal aid Compulsory – Word in the literature is mandatory (a) Law, get arrested (b) Condition financial incentives Compulsory probably eliminates financial incentives
----------------------------- Mandatory National Service Lincoln-Douglas ----------------------------- Mandatory National Service Core Topic Debates Should we invest in national service? Values of it vs. the costs Should it be mandatory/compulsory? Many advocates for mandatory, but in order to win on the Aff you have to structure your case properly and defend mandatory in 1AC. Only two mandatory cases – draft (very hard to defend), mandatory with options (really once case) Negatives should be well-prepared to debate mandatory Lecture – Benefits, including which are easiest to defend with mandatory Voluntary CPs and CP mechanisms Disadvantages/Ks – go with Mandatory That’s just the CP – modern LD is very critical – anti-government, anti restrictions on liberty, plus national service in the age of Trump?
----------------------------- Mandatory National Service Lincoln-Douglas ----------------------------- Mandatory National Service Affirmative -- Arguments in Favor of Service *Share the burden of war – costs of war disproportionately impact minorities and the least well off (compulsory) *National unity – different classes and races not interacting now, US polarized (compulsory) *Citizens would become more engaged in politics, especially on issues related to foreign policy; Sense of shared civic responsibility *Social problems – education, poverty *Benefits participants – maturity, life skills, career skills *Benefits military – enough troops, different roles, reduces costs *Civil-military relations
----------------------------- Mandatory National Service Lincoln-Douglas ----------------------------- Mandatory National Service Arguments Against Service General *It’s expensive – general costs, veteran expenses *Economy – reduces the active labor force *Hurts individuals – education, other obligations to family, some service is provided by low paying jobs *Triggers more early marriages *Hurts the military – reduces the effectiveness of the fighting force, bad attitudes (compulsory) *North Korea perception (compulsory) *Politics (compulsory) *Wars of aggression (enhanced by compulsory?)
----------------------------- Mandatory National Service Lincoln-Douglas ----------------------------- Mandatory National Service Arguments Against Service Critical *Capitalist – trains people for success in a capitalist economy, programs will be designed that way, *Coercive – requirement to serve the state is a violation of freedom, freedom absolute (coercion); taxation links (not net-beneficial) *General Ks of the liberal, government-based order –Agamben, Foucault, *Race Ks – The whole point of national service is to support civil society…
----------------------------- Mandatory National Service Lincoln-Douglas ----------------------------- Mandatory National Service Counterplans Voluntary -- Expand the number of programs, encourage people -- Expand the number of programs, financial incentives -- Expand the number of programs, condition financial opportunities (compulsory)? Net-Benefits -- Coercion Kritik -- Court Clog (+ State power precedent?) -- Miltary readiness OR Wars of aggression? (Or both?) -- Politics -- Korea DA?
----------------------------- Mandatory National Service Lincoln-Douglas ----------------------------- Mandatory National Service Strategic Thoughts Affirmative -- Must have compulsory/mandatory defense in 1AC -- Must choose advantages that are needed to defend compulsory (national unity, equality, racism) -- Must have angle on these Ks – defense of state, defense of civil society – There is no fighting the link -- There is probably only one Aff not beatable by voluntary CP (legal aid is a good aff, probalby can’t beat voluntary CP) Negative -- Voluntary CP is very good -- Ks are very good, especially with a Trump angle..