World War II
Road to War: Europe
Treaty of Versailles “MORE than fourteen years have passed since the unhappy day when the German people, blinded by promises from foes at home and abroad, lost touch with honor and freedom, thereby losing all. Since that day of treachery, the Almighty has withheld his blessing from our people.” Adolf Hitler, February 1, 1933
The Great Depression
Rise of Nazi Germany
Rise of Nazi Germany
German Expansion 1936 – German troops move into the Rhine river valley Breaks Treaty of Versailles 1938 – Germany annexes Austria & the Sudetenland Munich Conference & Appeasement 1939 – Nazi-Soviet non-aggression pact September 1, 1939 – Germany invades Poland
Road to War: Japan
Treaty of Versailles
Washington Conference
Japanese Imperialism 1910 – Annex Korea 1931 – Attack Manchuria Mukden Incident 1936 – Battle near Beijing Used as an excuse to invade mainland China Rape of Nanking Comfort Women 1940 – French Indo-China
Japanese Aggression
“Rape” of Nanjing
Fighting World War II
New Technology Other technological advancements: radar, synthetic rubber, antibiotics, etc.
Pearl Harbor
Highpoint of Axis Power
Winning the War
European Theater Notable Battles 1 – Blitzkrieg of Poland 5 – Surrender of Paris 6 – Battle of Britain 9 – Germany invades USSR 21 – Battle of Stalingrad *Turning Point of WWII 22 – Battle of El Alamein *Monty defeats Rommel 26 – Allies invade Sicily *U.S. troops led by Patton 29 – Battle of Normandy *Largest amphibious assault in world history 32 – Battle of the Bulge *Last German offensive 35 – Soviets enter Berlin
Battle of Stalingrad
Amphibious Assaults
Battle of Normandy (D-day)
Firebombing of Dresden
Allied Victory in the Pacific
Firebombing of Tokyo
Atomic Bomb
Effects of the Atomic Bomb