ALTERNATE FUELS Alcohols , Vegetable oils and bio-diesel, Bio-gas, Natural Gas, Liquefied Petroleum Gas, Hydrogen, Properties, Suitability, Engine Modifications, Performance, Combustion and Emission Characteristics of SI and CI Engines using these alternate fuels.
Alternative Fuels Alcohols Vegetable oils Biodiesel Biogas Natural gas Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Hydrogen
Alternative fuels in Engine
Alcohols for SI engines Alcohols having antiknock characteristic compared to gasoline because higher compression ratio of 11:1 and 13:1 to 7:1 or 9:1. Alcohol produces fewer harmful exhaust emissions. It contains about half the heat energy of gasoline per liter. A carburetor or fuel injector fuel passages should be doubled in are to allow extra fuel flow. It does not vaporize as easily and its latent heat of vaporization is much greater. This affects cold weather starting.
Alcohols for SI engines Water Gasoline Mixture for SI engine.
Alcohols for CI engines
Hydrogen in CI engine
Hydrogen induction in spark ignition engine
CNG in SI engine
LPG in SI engine
LPG in CI engine
Typical LPG propane fuel feed system
Bio gas in SI engine
Bio gas in CI engine
Schematic diagram of Experimental Setup
Performance of Alternative Fuels a) BP VS SFC b) BP VS Brake Thermal Efficiency Specific Fuel Consumption kg/kW-hr Brake Power kW Brake Thermal Efficiency % Brake Power kW
Performance of Alternative Fuels Emission c) BP VS Indicated Thermal Efficiency a) BP VS Carbon dioxide Indicated Thermal Efficiency % Brake Power kW Carbon dioxide %Vol Brake Power kW
Emission b) BP VS Nox c) BP VS Unburned HC Hydrocarbon ppm NOx ppm Brake Power kW NOx ppm Brake Power kW