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National CASA Association 2017 Mentoring renewal grants PRESENTER CORAL EDWARD – GRANTS ASSOCIATE
OVERVIEW: BACKGROUND National CASA Association was awarded $4.5 million through the OJJDP FY15 “Mentoring Opportunities for Youth” Initiative Requirements of the grant application included: Sub-granting 90% of award to member programs = $4.05M Sub-granting programs in at least 38 states (Year 1) Serving youth who are 17 years old and younger and at-risk or high-risk for involvement in the juvenile justice system Targeting services to American Indian and Alaska Native youth Targeting services to youth in rural communities For the purposes of this grant, all foster youth are considered at-risk for involvement in the juvenile justice system
OVERVIEW: APPROACH The goal of the funds is to increase the number of youth served with a particular emphasis on the target populations mentioned on the previous slide National CASA identified two approaches to meeting the goals, program objectives and performance measures in the grant Increasing the capacity of direct-service programs, and Executing statewide awareness and recruitment efforts
Objectives for the webinar Learn about the two grant categories as well as the criteria and eligibility requirements for each category Discuss the renewal grant application, instructions and timeline Understand the renewal application review process Identify points of contact at National CASA for assistance Answer your questions
Grant Categories, Criteria, Eligibility, Projected Awards and Timeline
State Awareness and Recruitment Campaign Renewal Grant SUMMARY OF CATEGORIES State Awareness and Recruitment Campaign Renewal Grant National CASA Commitments over 2 years 1,000 new volunteer advocates recruited, trained and assigned (serve) 2,625 new youth served 12% reduction in program youth who offend/re-offend 75% improvement on life-skills indicators of 14-17 year old youth Focus on awareness and recruitment campaign Youth Advocacy Renewal Grant 20% increase in Fostering Futures Training
KEY CRITERIA AND CONSIDERATIONS Funding Goal Requirements # of Volunteers by 1st year # of Volunteers by 2nd year # of Children by 1st year # of Children by 2nd year State Awareness and Recruitment Campaign Grant Up to $75,000 award amount 50 100 132 264 Youth Advocacy Grant Up to $20,000 award amount 9 18 22 44 Up to $40,000 award amount 15 30 40 80
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Both Grant Categories: CASA/GAL local programs and state organizations who are recipients of 1st year awards Full Member in good standing with the National CASA Association Current paid membership for 2017 Completion of the 2016 annual survey & 6-month reports Compliance with National CASA Association Standards Successful past performance on current (Year 1) and previous National CASA grants
PROJECTED AWARDS AND LIMITS Grant Categories/Funding Level Awards/Limits State Awareness and Recruitment Campaign Grant 12 Awards for a total of $824,000 in the 1st year State Awareness and Recruitment Campaign Renewal Grant Up to $75,000 funding level Up to 12 Awards, Up to 100% of the 1st year award Youth Advocacy Grant 41 Awarded for a total of $1.28M in the 1st year Youth Advocacy Renewal Grant $5,000 to $20,000 funding level Up to 18 Awards, Up to 100% of the 1st year award $20,000 to $40,000 funding level Up to 23 Awards, Up to 100% of the 1st year award
GRANT TIMELINE Renewal Applications mailed to grantees – April 19, 2017 Renewal Applications due – May 31, 2017 Review process – June 5 to June 23, 2017 Announcement of Awards – Final week of June 2017 Renewal Grant Period – July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018
GRANT AWARD CONDITIONS Work in close partnership with National CASA Association Must be able to support data collection efforts Submit monthly expense reports Submit semi-annual data reports Submit semi-annual narrative reports Take part in regularly scheduled calls with designated National CASA Association staff Take part in desks audits and/or onsite monitorings
DATA requirements Number of new volunteers recruited, trained and assigned Number of new children 0-17 years of age served Life skills assessments of youth 14-17 years of age measured by pre- and post-Life Skills Assessments Number of volunteers trained in Fostering Futures Training measured by pre- and post-Volunteer Knowledge Survey Youth who offend and reoffend Youth who moved to the next grade
AWARD Decisions are based on Strength of plan to meet targets Realistic, reasonable, and justified budget that directly relates to proposed activities Specific and measurable goals, objectives and timeline Ability to facilitate the collection of semiannual data Quality of diversity plan Demonstration of past performance with the 1st year grant Plans that include targeting American Indian and Alaska native and/or rural youth
Application FORMAT National CASA Grant Application has 7 distinct sections and 6 sub sections: Summary Sheet Program Information Program Reporting Project Narrative Organizational Information Governance Purpose of Grant Grant Planning & Implementation Sustainability Data Collection and Reporting Grant Budget Narrative Grant Budget Summary Current Budget
Additional attachments Additional attachments have to be one combined PDF file. Organizational chart required for all applicants Diversity plan, if applicable due to demographics Audit/monitoring corrective action plan, if applicable Additional staff list, if applicable
Summary sheet Page 1 consists of: Amount requested Project abstract Authorized Representative and Title
Program information Pages 2 – 4 consist of: Applicant information Additional information Staff list Financial statistics Community statistics Court/judicial statistics List of Programs # of Local Programs
Program information Pages 5 – 6 consist of: Program Statistics Target Population Statistics Explanation on reserves in excess of $200,000 Explanation on statistical information on pages 3-5
Program reporting Pages 7 - 8 consist of: National CASA grants received in the last three years Grant reports filed on time Grant goals met Grant project sustained External audit/grant monitoring, any findings
organizational information Page 9 consists of: Significant challenges or opportunities Pages 10 - 11 consist of: governance Management of the project Governing body Strategic plan
Purpose of grant Pages 12 - 14 consist of: Progress on goals and objectives of 1st year grant Volunteer recruitment and training plan to served target population Grant funded position(s) Hiring of consultant, if applicable Community and stakeholder support & collaboration with diverse populations
GRANT planning & Implementation Page 15 consists of: Goals, objectives, activities and timeline Sustainability Page 16 consists of: Long term strategies for continued advocacy Data Collection & Reporting Page 17 consists of: Improvements and challenges in data collection and reporting Evaluation of progress towards goals
Grant budget narrative & summary Pages 18 - 22 consist of: Grant Budget Narrative Personnel Salaries Taxes/Benefits Travel Printing/Copying Supplies Equipment Rent/Utilities Other Grant Budget Summary
Current budget Page 23 consists of: Revenue/Expenses and Net Change
Application scoring Sections Headings / Application Page References Point Value Summary Sheet & Program Information / Pages 1-6 5 Program Reporting / Pages 7-8 10 Organizational Information & Governance / Pages 9-11 15 Purpose of Grant / Pages 12-14 20 Grant Planning & Implementation and Sustainability / Page 15-16 Data Collection and Reporting / Page 17 Grant Budget Narrative & Summary / Pages 18-22 Current Budget / Page 23 TOTAL POINTS 100
Tips to preparing a complete, quality application Completely answer all questions Provide unique answers to each question; do not duplicate responses List staff positions by job title, not personnel names Ensure grant amount requested on pg 1 matches grant budget summary total Show formula/calculation for grant budget amounts Submit all required applicable attachments Be sure to use the latest version of Adobe available
Application Review Process Applications will be reviewed by individuals with knowledge of the CASA/GAL network: National CASA Staff Reviews will be conducted based on standardized criteria as outlined in the grant application and instructions Potential reviewers with a conflict of interest for any category will be excluded
Application Review Process Applications that will not make it to the review process (i.e., ineligible for funding): Not emailed by 5pm PST Missing any required attachments Amount requested is above maximum Files other than application/requested attachments emailed
Contact Information Grant Application or Process Inquiries: Email: Grants@casaforchildren.org Membership Questions: Email: MemberServices@casaforchildren.org
THANK YOU! Office of Juvenile justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) Disclaimer Points of view or opinions expressed in this webinar are those of the presenter(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of OJJDP or the U.S. Department of Justice.