Bullying & Harassment Erika Dillard, M.Ed. School Counselor Hardin Intermediate February 2017
What is Bullying? Repeated, aggressive behavior by one or more people, which harms others physically and/or emotionally, such as: Name calling, gossiping, verbal taunts Excluding from peer groups Threats and intimidation Physical violence and attacks
Examples of Bullying
More Examples of bullying
Examples of cyber bullying
Effects of bullying
Bullying must stop!!!
What is harassment? Harassment is all of the behaviors involved in bullying to the extent of causing the following: Creating an intimidating, threatening, hostile, or offensive education environment The behavior is based on the student’s race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, or any other protected group.
Potential consequences Stay away plan Schedule change DAEP Suspension Expulsion Police involvement
Students who bully Can be all shapes and sizes Can be below average, average, or above average students Enjoy feeling power or control Lack of compassion and empathy for their targets Enjoy causing pain Excited by bullying behavior
Students being bullied Appears not to fit in May look different Can be a minority May appear physically weak May have a disability May have low confidence Could be a good student
what you should when being bullied Avoid or ignore your bully or harasser Stay around friends Don’t react emotionally to a bully Be assertive not aggressive Report incidents of bullying
What you should do when you witness someone being bullied Don’t stand around and watch or laugh Distract the bully by changing the subject or ask a question Cooperate and tell the truth as a witness Go get help immediately if someone is in danger Report incidents of bullying
How to help build a safe school environment Be respectful of other students and all school staff Be friendly and inclusive to all students Reach out to someone in need or danger Use appropriate language at all times Know the school rules and abide by them Report unsafe incidents
What you should do if you are bullying other students Seek help for anger management or conflict resolution Reflect on why you have this behavior and commit to stop Decide if this behavior is helping or hurting you Work on changing your thinking Learn the potential school and legal consequences for continuing your actions
Stop bullying & harassment today!!!
Reference Texas School Procedures, LLC. https://txschoolprocedures.com/