Your Child’s Rights at School CT Alliance for Basic Human Needs 65 Hungerford St., Hartford, CT 06106 860-904-5431 ConnecticutAllianceforBasicHumanNeeds @CTBasicNeeds
Going to School Excused absences- Missing school for a good reason like illness and doctor’s appointments. Write a note asking that the absence be excused. If your child misses 10 days or more, you will need a written note from a doctor. Unexcused absences- Missing school without a good reason. Truancy- 4 unexcused absences in one month or 10 unexcused absences in a year. Student can lose credit or be sent to Juvenile court. The school could call Department of Children and Families and report educational neglect. The parent could be fined or made to do community service.
Suspension and Expulsion Suspension is any removal from the classroom for more than 90 minutes. One suspension can be up to 10 days. Ask the school for classwork and homework. Your child has the right to make up all missed work, tests, etc. Expulsion can last for up to 180 school days. The school may try to expel your child if he or she endangers people or property, disrupts the school, or breaks an important behavior or safety rule. The school must try to expel your child if he or she brings a dangerous weapon to school or to a school function, tries to sell illegal drugs on or off school grounds, or uses a deadly weapon to commit a crime off school grounds. If the school tries to expel your child, there will be an expulsion hearing. You have the right to bring a lawyer with you to the hearing. Get legal help right away, call Greater Hartford Legal Aid, 860-541-5043. Special education students have extra protections. If a special education student is suspended for more than 10 days in a school year, the school must hold a Planning and Placement Team (PPT) meeting. A special education student can’t be expelled if his or her disability caused the behavior, or the behavior was because the school did not carry out the Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
Special Education Your child is eligible for special education if: He or she is between the ages of 3 and 21 Has a disability, and because of this disability, he or she needs special classes, special instruction or special services to succeed in school. Your child can be referred by the school, or by you. Ask for a referral to Special Education in writing. For help, call Greater Hartford Legal Aid, 860-541-5043 Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center, 1-800-445-2722 (eng), 203-776-3211 (sp) State Education Resource Center, 1-800-842-8678
Bullying When a student repeatedly makes fun of, threatens, or embarrasses another student, that’s bullying. Bullying can be verbal or physical. It can happen at school, a school event, or online. Tell the school each time when your child is being bullied. The school is required by law to Investigate it Invite parents/guardians of all the students involved to at least one meeting at school Develop a plan to stop the bullying and to prevent it from happening again Bullying can sometimes be a crime. You should contact the police if your child is the victim of a crime.
Homeless Families If your child is homeless, staying with friends, a shelter, a motel, or in a car, your can choose if you want your child to go to school in the district where you are staying now, or keep going to school in the district where you used to live. If you choose to send your child to school in your old district, the old school must give your child transportation. Talk to your school liaison. Call 211 to find out your liaison.