Sustained excellence in HR - Sanjay Chaturvedi People 2 Value Sustained excellence in HR - Sanjay Chaturvedi
Contents – Psychometrics What are they Why use them How are they conducted
Psychometric Assessments – What are they? Psychometric assessments are objectively and scientifically designed questionnaires that either assess your ability or assess your personality. Psychometric assessments compare all individuals on precisely the same basis i.e. same assessment items, same conditions of administration, and interpretation of scores in relation to a representative and relevant groups of people. There are two different types of assessments. ABILITY ASSESSMENTS: Over sixty years of accumulated evidence supports the power of ability assessments in predicting occupational and academic outcomes Ability assessments measure skills relevant to the job, position or responsibilities for which the candidate is being assessed Extensive analysis of many jobs has shown that competence in verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning is a common requirement for success. PERSONALITY / STYLE ASSESSMENTS: Personality questionnaires measure the typical or preferred ways of behaviour of an individual in a fair, objective and cost-effective way For example; they can provide us with the way in which a candidate relates to other people or solves problems The assessments are carefully designed and researched so that they can explore a wide range of personality characteristics that are relevant to the job in question.
Psychometric Assessments – Why use them? Psychometric Assessments provide objective information to assist with selection decisions career counseling or training and development They are designed to assess skills or characteristics as relevant to the job They are professionally designed and fully researched More importantly their outputs: Assist candidates to find a career that they are suited to Allow candidates to demonstrate their strengths Help identify an individual’s training and development needs Supplement other information to establish candidates suitability for a position Show that those who do well in the assessments are usually successful in the job itself
Psychometric Assessments – How are they conducted? Candidates are invited for an assessment session run by an assessment facilitator The facilitator explains the procedure during the session The facilitator answers any questions or queries related to the session Ability assessments are normally timed whilst personality assessments are usually untimed It is important that candidates do their best in ability assessments and are as honest as possible in personality assessments Results from the assessment are collated and compared with a “norm group” A “norm group” is a predetermined group of people who have taken the same test and whose results have been collated and standardized with many sample points Examples of “norm group” – Functional Managers with 5 – 7 years experience The advantage of the comparison is that the candidate’s positioning on an ability or trait is determined in relative terms to an appropriate category of people This makes the comparison valid
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