Motivational Factors
Economic Factors Motivated Europeans to explore the world. International trade began and increased throughout the Age of Exploration Spices came from the Far East to Europe through merchants Portugal got tired of trading through merchants so they decided to be the first to look for a water route. Spain then decided to sponsor Christopher Columbus to find this unmapped area.
Political Factors This was a competition between nation-states within Europe. The Spanish found gold and silver in the new world making them the most powerful nation in Europe. England, Portugal, and the French became very interested in exploration. The English monarchs began to send explorers to the New World leading them to being the most powerful nation in Europe through the settlement of North America.
Technological Factors Caravel- smaller faster ships that had triangular sails that helped them to move faster in the wind. Astrolabe- measured the height of sun above sea level to better determine how long they could sail Compass-aided in finding their location on the map (also used stars) Cartography- making of maps (taught in the Portuguese School of Navigation)
Explorers and Motivations Vikings and Spanish
Motivations There were three main reasons that explorers went exploring around the world: God Felt that through exploration it would entitle them to more religious freedom Gold Wanted to be the richest nation (Spain began this surge) Glory Wanted to be the best nation
Leif Eriksson Sailed in the year of 1000 Was a Viking from Greenland Sailed the Northern Atlantic Ocean and Settled briefly in North America When he landed in North America, he called the land Vinland The Vikings did not get along with many of the European countries, so this exploration was never made known to European countries, leaving the area being known as “uncharted”
Christopher Columbus In 1492, Sailed for Spain looking for a faster route to the Far East Sailed west because the Portuguese owned the Eastern route around Africa. Believed the world was small enough that he could reach the Far East by going West Columbus did not reach his goal to bring back many riches from the Far East Instead he discovered the lands and wealth of North and South America
Ferdinand Magellan In 1519, First to sail around the world Died before his journey was complete; his crew finished the journey He claimed more lands for Spain than any other explorer His crew proved that sailing around the world could be completed, but had a great cost (death)
Hernando de Soto Sailed to the new world in 1514 Spanish conquistador Explored throughout the Southeastern United States Claimed this land for Spain
Motivations and Explorers English and French
John Cabot Sailed for England in 1497 Looking for a faster route to the Far East known as the Northwest Passage Sailed near the Arctic Circle, but had no success He claimed the lands that he encountered for England
Henry Hudson In 1607, Sailed for both the Netherlands and England He was searching for the Northwest Passage He claimed what is now New York for the Dutch He claimed parts of Canada for England The Hudson River and Hudson Bay are named for him.
Robert LaSalle In 1669, Explored for the French Found the Mississippi River exploring it to the mouth in the Gulf of Mexico Named the area Louisiana claiming it for the French
What did they do?
Spanish The conquistadors defeated the Aztecs in Central America and the Incas in South America. Explorers claimed Florida and the southwest region of what is today the United States. They called all of this land New Spain.
French Explored the St. Lawrence River. Explored the headwaters and the length of the Mississippi River to what is now New Orleans. Claimed this land as New France.
Dutch Explorers claimed the area around the Hudson River Established New Netherlands and New Amsterdam. This area today is New York.
English Claimed the coast of North America and parts of Canada. Based on the explorations of Cabot and Hudson. This land was called Virginia and New England.