The Settlement and Establishment of SC Study Guide 2
Terms San Miguel de Gualdape 1st attempted settlement in the U.S. and S.C. and created by the Spanish Charlesfort attempted French Settlement in S.C. located on Parris Island San Felipe Another failed Spanish settlement, built on the ruins of Charlesfort.
Huguenots were the French Protestants that settled Charlesfort Jamestown was the 1st permanent English settlement in the U.S. Charlestown was the 1st Permanent English settlement in S.C.
Headright System system in which Lords Proprietors rewarded settlers with land for bringing more people to the colony. Maritime are activities dealing with the sea (shipping, fishing, ship building) Proprietary Colony was a colony that belonged to a person or a group of people
Lords Proprietors were the 8 owners of the Carolina Colony Quitrent was an annual tax paid by settlers to the Proprietors for land they received Fundamental Constitution of Carolina was the document that setup the Proprietary government and guaranteed religious freedom.
Barbados was an island in the Caribbean, many Carolina settlers and slaves came from. Carolina sent beef and cattle in exchange for more slaves from Barbados . Middle Passage the journey across the Atlantic for enslaved Africans Naval Stores were made from pine tar to keep ships watertight and received subsidies (bonuses) from Britain.
Gullah Culture was developed by African slaves on the Sea Islands. It combined English and African languages and culture. Cash Crops crops primarily grown to trade or to make money with (rice, indigo) Indigo is a plant used to create blue dye, it became a cash crop in S.C.
“Carolina Gold” was a nickname given to rice Eliza Lucas Pinckney perfected the indigo plant which allowed it to become a cash crop. Subsidies are bonus payments for items wanted in trade like indigo and naval stores.
Grand Council the Upper House of the royal legislature. It was represented by the nobility(large landowners) House of Commons the Lower House of the royal legislature represented by the common people. Royal Colony colony controlled by a king or monarch
1. During the Age of Exploration, who were the three major European Powers? They were Spain, England, and France.
2. Where did the three major powers establish their settlements in North America? French Canadian coast, Louisiana Spanish Mexico, Florida, Southwestern N.A. English Middle of East Coast – 13 Colonies
3. Why did People move to the New Colonies God – Religious Freedom Gold – trade (with Natives) or to find gold Glory – new and better life, land
4. Why did many of the first establishments fail? The first establishments failed because of Indian attacks, disease, famine (lack of food) and sometimes lack of leadership.
5. What were the New England Colonies and why were they founded? Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island--they were founded for Puritans so seeking religious freedom.
6. What were the Middle Colonies and why were they founded? New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. They were founded for trade and religious tolerance.
7. What were the Southern Colonies and why were they founded? Virginia, Maryland, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina they were founded to make money by growing cash crops and religious freedom(Maryland)
8. What were the economic activities of New England, mid-Atlantic and Southern colonies? New England had a maritime economy, the Mid-Atlantic grew grain and traded, the Southern colonies grew cash crops.
9. How did Africans contribute to the early economy. They raised cattle (1st cowboys) and their knowledge made rice the major cash crop for S.C.
The cash crops of rice and indigo. 10. What crops made South Carolina one of the richest colonies in the worlds in the 1700’s? The cash crops of rice and indigo.
11. What were the items traded with Native Americans for furs and deerskins? Guns, iron tools, and later alcohol.
12. What ruined the good relationship between settlers and Native Americans? Settlers began enslaving Indians and cheating them in trading.
13. How did Mercantilism benefit Britain? It gave them a favorable balance of trade and a ready market for their goods.
14. How did the Lords Proprietors govern S.C? They sent representatives to the Grand Council.
15. What 3 groups made up the Grand Council? Representatives from the Lords Proprietors Nobility Common People
16. Wy did South Carolina become a royal colony? Because the Lords Proprietors were too far away and they were not protecting them from the Spanish, Indians, and pirates.
17. What economic advantages did S. C 17. What economic advantages did S.C. get after becoming a royal colony? S.C. got subsidies (bonuses) for many crops and were able to trade rice directly with Spain and Portugal.