Mughal Empire in India
Origins Mughals- means Mongols, descended from a combo of Muslim Turks, Afghans, and Genghis Khan Originally Muslim vs. Hindu conflicts Turkish warlords called the Delhi Sultanate conquered Hindus between 13th and 16th centuries Many sultans ruled including Timur the Lame, who destroyed main city of Delhi
Babur- Founder 11 year old boy inherited territory in present day Uzbekistan/Tajikistan Slowly swept down through India Brilliant general Defeated a Delhi Sultanate army, outnumbered 12,000 to 100,000 Although lineage lost most of the territory, the Mughal Empire stage was set
Akbar- Part 1 Grandson of Babur led Mughal Empire to Golden Age Philosophy- aggressive King with military power Utilized cannons and gunpowder Smart- often allowed rajputs (Hindu military personnel) to be officers
Akbar- Part 2 Liberal Leader Cultural blending- tolerant of Hindus, did not force them to convert Natives and foreigners could have political power Fair and affordable graduated income tax Language and Culture- creation of Urdu, language of present-day Pakistan Miniatures- highly detailed art, Akbarnamah told the rise of Akbar Architecture was grand and had Hindu themes
Akbar’s Successors- Jahangir Wife had most of power, Nur Jahan Rejected one son, led to religious tension… Islam vs. Sikhs (religious group that combined Hinduism and Sufism)... Protected the banished son which led to torture of Sikh leader Set stage for future religious intolerance
Akbar’s Successors- Shah Jahan Assassinated all rivals to get crown Best time period for architecture Taj Mahal- built as dedicated to wife’s memory Focused on Taj Mahal and art, people suffered from famine and taxes
Akbar’s Successors- Aurangzeb Took control through civil war and executed brother Grew empire to largest size, but power was weakened Strictly enforced Islam, taxed non-Muslims heavily, rejected Hindus Led to Sikhs becoming a brotherhood of warriors Resources in empire were shot, Aurangzeb died, sons ruled poorly
The West European traders began settling the region Portuguese and Dutch came first for trade French and English came next Aurangzeb gave them the Port of Bombay… Key to controlling India
In Review Mid-16th Century to Mid-19th Century Mix of religious tolerance and intolerance (Aurangzeb) Culture, economic, and political success and failures Relatively strong militarily Ultimate demise in 1850s by Europe- British trade!