Painting Techniques & care TODAY I AM: Learning about brushes & painting SO THAT I CAN: Learn how to paint correctly I’LL KNOW I’VE GOT IT WHEN: I can eventually mix any color in the color wheel and clean up responsibly.
Cleaning Brushes Artist quality paint brushes can be really expensive. It is very important to know how to take care of them so that they last as long as possible.
How to Clean Brushes First rinse in your water cup Wipe excess paint from brushes using a rag. Dip brushes into clean solvent that is in the black bin on the sink. Swirl brush in the palm of your hand while applying soap and running the brush under cool water from the faucet. Repeat this process until the all the stain has been removed from the brush. Place damp brush tip up in the can.
There are six parts to a paint brush. Parts of a of BRUSHE There are six parts to a paint brush. The end of each brush should be painted with the color assigned to your table.
Types of BRUSHES Types of brushes also vary depending on their use. The round is good for making thin drawing lines or for painting details and small areas Flat or Bright brushes are good for large areas of canvas & geometric shapes
For this assignment you will use a small round liner brush This brush is easy to control, best suited for small details and shapes, easy to clean. DON”T get caught using a BIG brush! NO
What type of brush is this?
What type of brush is this?
What type of brush is this?
Pallet Knife Palette knives are used to mix paint on the palette. The best palette knife is bent flat edge that flex's as it mixes paint. Some artists, such as Van Gogh used a pallet knife to spread paint onto his canvas in a thick impasto style. Palette knives are used to mix paint on the palette. The best palette knife is bent, which helps to keep knuckles from getting in the paint. Painting knivesare used as actual painting tools to create textural effects and are especially useful for thick applications of paint (impasto). Palette Knife
Mixing Pallet The white pallets are used to mix all your paint colors. Each is labeled on the back for your assigned color table. Always check you have to correct pallet. If you have a pallet from a different table give it back.
Mixing Pallet You will organize your paint colors on the pallet in the order that you mix them. All mixing happened in the sections in between primary colors or in the center. You must keep you pallet nice and neat. Example of a perfect pallet
Mixing Pallet This is not a acceptable pallet. This shows you are not carefully mixed. You are wasting paint. Colors will not be pure and accurate. Random pallet checks by the teacher will be given attached to a grade. So always keep your pallet clean. Anyone caught with a dirty pallet will have to stay after and clean up the sink. Don’t let your pallet look this this!
Cleaning the Pallet Wipe off extra paint with paper towel Rinse with cool water in the sink Wipe dry. Dirty pallets are not acceptable and if you don’t clean your well you will have to bring in your own pallet to use. If you don’t care and don’t want to clean your pallet bring in paper plates or Styrofoam egg cartons to mix your colors on each day.
Set up your work space Cover area with newspaper-throw away when done Get your can of water Paper towel to clean brushes A liner brush Your paint supply bin