Unlocking the Secrets of Mohenjo-Daro History Alive Chapter 6 – Ancient India
Station A – Stone Weights These were weights and a scale to measure grain. Grain might have been used as money.
Station B – The Great Bath This was a pool people bathed in. It might have been used for religious purposes.
Station C – The Statue of Male Figure and Necklace The statue shows what men looked like. It might represent a priest or king. The beads show that people wore jewelry. The necklace also shows that people had time to make things.
Station D – Seals These seals might have been charms people carried. They might also have been pressed into wax to form tags, which might have shown who owned certain goods. They have found over 400 seals.
Station E – The Sewer System This is showing part of a sewer system that carried dirty water and waste out of homes and to the Indus River.
Station F – Homes These are ruins of houses in Mohenjo-Daro. Such houses were two stories high, faced narrow alleys, and were made of mud brick.
Station G – Games The objects belonged to games people played. The people of Mohenjo-Daro probably invented chess. Also, children might have played with stone balls rolled along tracks or mazes.
Station H – Clay Figurine This object might show the way farm goods were transported to market. Farmers moved their goods in carts pulled by bulls.