Sir Peter Lely (1618-1680), Self-portrait, 1660 oil on canvas, 108 x 87,6 cm, National Portrait Gallery, London
Peter Lely, Duchess of Cleveland
Peter Lely, Prince Rupert
Peter Lely, Miss Wharton
Peter Lely, Girl with parrot, 1670, oil on canvas, 124,5 x 101,6 cm, Tate Britain
Peter Lely, Two ladies of the Lake family, oil paint on canvas Peter Lely, Two ladies of the Lake family, oil paint on canvas. Tate Britain
Peter Lely, Countess of Kildare, 1679, oil on canvas, 123 x 100 cm, Tate Britain
Peter Lely, Countess of Meath, 1674, 125. 7 x 102 Peter Lely, Countess of Meath, 1674, 125.7 x 102.9 cm, National Galleries of Canada
Peter Lely, Diana Kirke, 1665, oil on canvas, 132,1 104,1 cm Yale Center for British Art
Peter Lely, An unknown lady, 1670-75, oil on canvas, 125,1 x 100,3 cm, Tate Britain