w w w . p o l y t e c h n i k a . s k
Study programmes at the school 4 year study programmes ending with school-leaving exam called „maturita“: MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT MECHANIC FOOD PROCESSING BUSINESS AGRIBUSINESS – Agritourism, Horse Breeding & Horse Riding 3 year vocational programmes ending with a skill certificate and with possibility of another 2 years study leading to MATURITA school-leaving exam: AGRICULTURAL MECHANIC BIOCHEMIST – DAIRY FARMING 2 year educational programme to complete elementary education: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION
MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT MECHANIC 4 year study ending with MATURITA school-leaving exam and skills certificate(code 2413 K) Increased number of practical lessons
FOOD PROCESSING BUSINESS 4 year study programme ending with MATURITA school-leaving exam (code 2940 M 08)
agritourism, horse breeding, horse riding AGRIBUSINESS agritourism, horse breeding, horse riding 4 year study programme ending with MATURITA school-leaving exam (code 4210 M 11) w w w . p o l y t e c h n i k a . s k
AGRICULTURAL MECHANIC 3 year vocational programme ending with skills certificate (code 4524 H) + optional 2 year study leading to MATURITA school-leaving exam
BIOCHEMIST – dairy farming 3 year vocational programme ending with skills certificate (code 2987H01) + 2 year optional study leading to MATURITA school-leaving exam
ACCOMMODATION SECTION OF THE SCHOOL www.rzdemanovka.sk Contact: Tel. 00421 44 5521849 00421 44 5541272 rzdemanovka@polytechnika.sk