Determining the Overarching Factor


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Presentation transcript:

Determining the Overarching Factor   RESULTS OF THE APPLICATION OF THE METHODOLOGY FOR MANDATE PRIORITIZATION Determining the Overarching Factor

Results of the Application of the Mandate Prioritization Methodology (Proposal of the Chair) IMPACT INSTALLED CAPACITY MANDATES % 7 8.6% Intermediate 13 16.0% Low 6 7.4% Very Low 1 1.2% High 9 11.1% 17 21.0% 4.9% 5 6.2% 3 3.7% 4 Fulfilled/NA 81 100.0% Very High TOTAL Meet criteria 33 mandates 4 40%

Results of the Application of the Mandate Prioritization Methodology (Proposal of the Chair) PILLAR MANDATES % DEMOCRACY 2 6.1% HUMAN RIGHTS 5 15.2% INTEGRAL DEVELOPMENT 11 33.3% MULTIDIMENSIONAL SECURITY 13 39.4% INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING TOTAL 33 100.0%

Mandate Priorization Exercise (Thematic grouping)

Mandate Priorization DEMOCRACY . Support to the modernization and strengthening of democratic institutions in the member states HUMAN RIGHTS Continue to promote the strengthening of national systems for the promotion and protection of human rights in member states. To continue supporting the efforts of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Commission of Women to analyze the legal and regulatory framework governing HIV/AIDS promotion and protection of human rights, fundamental freedoms, and women’s rights, in the adoption of measures or policies to address the world drug problem Encourage the adoption and application of effective legal standards to prevent and eradicate sexual exploitation and smuggling of and trafficking in boys, girls, and adolescents of both sexes, while respecting human rights. INTEGRAL DEVELOPMENT Promote the existing cooperation mechanisms and modalities, horizontal, South-South, and triangular cooperation. Promote the use of Communication and Information Technologies Implement professional development and scholarship opportunities that contribute to strengthening human and institutional capacities Promoting the sustainable development of tourism in order to mitigate possible negative environmental impacts, increasing public awareness of the importance of maintaining the environmental balance of tourist sites, and fostering the development of linkages between tourism and other economic sectors.

Mandate Priorization MULTIDIMENSIONAL SECURITY To support the initiatives of the Central American Security Strategy Actions to confront the world drug problem a) Promote the enactment of national legislation and/or adopt administrative measures that would reaffirm the principle of cooperation. b) Promote the development of a good practices manual on joint or coordinated operations to counter illicit drug trafficking and related crimes. c) Promote the harmonization of national laws, regulations and procedures To reaffirm the commitments made in the Declaration on Strengthening Cyber-Security in the Americas, adopted by the member states of the Inter-American Committee against Terrorism (CICTE) To cooperate in efforts at the regional level to prevent, combat, and eliminate the illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, ammunition, explosives, and other related materials (CIFTA) To request the IADB to continue promoting the participation of civilian authorities and officials responsible for defense matters and to promote civilian-military relations Special Security Concerns of the Small Island States of the Caribbean, provide training and technical assistance regarding legislation on counterterrorism, terrorist financing, cyber security, and cybercrime; INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING To instruct the Permanent Council, through the CAAP, to conduct a comprehensive review of the General Standards, particularly Chapters VII, VIII, and IX thereof.

Proposal of the Chair

Proposal of the Chair In the opinion of the Chair, although the results produced by the application of the mandate prioritization methodology approved by the Permanent Council are technically sound, founded as they are on objective and neutral measurements and assessments, they do not conform to political guidelines followed by the Organization. In that regard, while the Chair recognizes that this process has been long and, at times, complicated, nevertheless, so far, the agreed-upon approach has been not to discard mandates per se, but to screen them out because they are duplicates, have been superseded, or do not qualify as mandates; or else to classify them by their contents (A, B, and C). Accordingly, the Chair would like to propose the following approach: Take the first criterion in the mandate prioritization methodology as the starting point; in other words, the mandates identified as contributing to the fulfillment of the Strategic Vision (81 mandates). Go back to the “Strategic Vision Road Map,” which was used as a working tool and guide for the first stages of the Strategic Vision process. Combine the 81 mandates selected using the methodology with the other components of the Strategic Vision, in order to use them, with the approval of the Permanent Council, as inputs in drafting the four-year strategic plans.

Distribution of mandates by pillar before the application of the Overarching Factor PREVIOUS DIST. PROPOSED DIST. OBSERVATIONS DEMOCRACY 5 4 Note (1) HUMAN RIGHTS 10 INTEGRAL DEVELOPMENT 33 MULTIDIMENSIONAL SECURITY 11 9 ADMINISTRATION 1 3 Note (2) Total 81 80 Notes: Mandates 104 and 122 are duplicated, hence mandate 122 was eliminated Mandates 50 and 61 have been reallocated in the Pillar of Management, originally found in the Pillar of Institutional Strengthening

Vision Strategic Objectives Institutional Strengthening Human Rights   “The Organization of American States is the hemispheric political forum inclusive of all the countries of the Americas, committed to the strengthening of democracy, the promotion and protection of human rights, the advancement of integral development, and the fostering of multidimensional security, all equal and interdependent, with justice and social inclusion, for the benefit of the peoples of the Americas” Vision Strategic Objectives Institutional Strengthening Human Rights Integral Development Multidimensional Security Administration Democracy Strategic Guidelines Mandates Work Plans (Organizational Structure) Operative Goals Budget Appropriation Program Sub-program

Political assessment for the Prioritization Methodology (Proposal of the Chair) PILLAR: DEMOCRACY         STRATEGIC VISION : "The Organization of American States is the hemispheric political forum inclusive of all the countries of the Americas, committed to the STRENGTHENING OF DEMOCRACY..."

Political assessment for the Prioritization Methodology (Proposal of the Chair) 1/2 PILLAR: HUMAN RIGHTS STRATEGIC VISION: "The Organization of American States is the hemispheric political forum inclusive of all the countries of the Americas, committed to…..the PROMOTION AND PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS…"

Political assessment for the Prioritization Methodology (Proposal of the Chair) 2/2 PILLAR: HUMAN RIGHTS STRATEGIC VISION : "The Organization of American States is the hemispheric political forum inclusive of all the countries of the Americas, committed to…..the PROMOTION AND PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS…"

Political assessment for the Prioritization Methodology (Proposal of the Chair) 1/2 PILLAR: INTEGRAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC VISION "The Organization of American States is the hemispheric political forum inclusive of all the countries of the Americas, committed to ... the ADVANCEMENT OF INTEGRAL DEVELOPMENT…"

Political assessment for the Prioritization Methodology (Proposal of the Chair) 2/2 PILLAR: INTEGRAL DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC VISION "The Organization of American States is the hemispheric political forum inclusive of all the countries of the Americas, committed to ... the ADVANCEMENT OF INTEGRAL DEVELOPMENT…"

Political assessment for the Prioritization Methodology (Proposal of the Chair) 1/2 PILLAR: MULTIDIMENSIONAL SECURITY STRATEGIC VISION: "The Organization of American States is the hemispheric political forum inclusive of all the countries of the Americas, committed to... the FOSTERING OF MULTIDIMENSIONAL SECURITY…"

Political assessment for the Prioritization Methodology (Proposal of the Chair) 2/2 PILLAR: MULTIDIMENSIONAL SECURITY STRATEGIC VISION: "The Organization of American States is the hemispheric political forum inclusive of all the countries of the Americas, committed to... the FOSTERING OF MULTIDIMENSIONAL SECURITY…"

Political assessment for the Prioritization Methodology (Proposal of the Chair) PILLAR: INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING

Political assessment for the Prioritization Methodology (Proposal of the Chair) PILLAR: ADMINISTRATION

Political assessment for the Prioritization Methodology (Proposal of the Chair) Pillar: DEMOCRACY

Political assessment for the Prioritization Methodology (Proposal of the Chair) Pillar: DEMOCRACY

Political assessment for the Prioritization Methodology (Proposal of the Chair) Pillar: DEMOCRACY

Vision Pillars 4 3 5 3 3 3 2 3 7 5 5 2 9 4 10 33 21 3 Human Rights   “The Organization of American States is the hemispheric political forum inclusive of all the countries of the Americas, committed to the strengthening of democracy, the promotion and protection of human rights, the advancement of integral development, and the fostering of multidimensional security, all equal and interdependent, with justice and social inclusion, for the benefit of the peoples of the Americas” Vision Human Rights Integral Development Multidimensional Security Administration Democracy Institutional Strengthening Pillars Strategic Objectives 4 3 5 3 3 3 Strategic Guidelines 2 3 7 5 5 2 Mandates 9 4 10 33 21 3

Proposed Thematic Areas Institutional Strengthening DEMOCRACY Support to Electoral Processes Support to sustainable democracy Protective Measures and Follow-up of cases Human Rights Support to promotion and protection policies

Proposed Thematic Areas Innovation and Competitiveness Tourism Labor Social Development Integral Development Science and Technology Sustainable Development Human Development Education and Culture

Proposed Thematic Areas Defense Public Security MULTIDIMENSIONAL SECURITY Drug Abuse Control Fight Against Terrorism Fight against transnational organized crime

Proposed Thematic Areas Planning and Evaluation INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING Support to participation of civil society Representation in Member States

FOUR-YEAR STRATEGIC PLANS   “The Organization of American States is the hemispheric political forum inclusive of all the countries of the Americas, committed to the strengthening of democracy, the promotion and protection of human rights, the advancement of integral development, and the fostering of multidimensional security, all equal and interdependent, with justice and social inclusion, for the benefit of the peoples of the Americas” Vision Human Rights Integral Development Multidimensional Security Administration Democracy Institutional Strengthening Pillars Strategic Objectives 4 3 5 3 3 3 Strategic Guidelines 2 3 7 5 5 2 Mandates 9 4 10 33 21 3 3 3 2 8 5 1 Thematic Areas FOUR-YEAR STRATEGIC PLANS