Presented By: Suchetana Pawar G Title of The Study “A STUDY OF CHOICE-BASED CREDIT SYSTEM IMPLEMENTED AT SECONDARY LEVEL TEACHER-TRAINING INSTITUTES BY UNIVERSITY OF MYSORE” Guideed By: Sujata B Hanchinalker Associate Professor Regional Institute of Education Mysore Presented By: Suchetana Pawar G
Introduction Evaluation is a systematic collection and interpretation of learning evidence leading as a part of process to a judgment of value with a view to action. Beeby C E (1977). Grading system in India was introduced in the year 2008-2009 from class I to VIII, extending the concept to class IX and X in the following years. Choice Based Credit Based Continuous Assessment along with semester scheme has been implemented secondary level training program. Choice-Based Credit System. There are three main characteristics of CBCS pattern, they are Flexibility is given for the student to choose the subject of his choice which is interested Students are assigned with various activities which are assessed throughout the course period Whatever is learnt through different mechanism is quantified in terms of credits Beginning course details and/or books/materials needed for a class/project.
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Unlike the earlier system of education pattern, which made students lazy, the CBCS pattern has brought about a dynamic system of education. The need arises as to see how this is being practiced in various teacher-training institutes and what are the difficulties being faced by the teacher trainees and teacher educators in adopting this method of assessment. Hence the study is titled as “A study of Choice-Based Credit System implemented at secondary level teacher-training institutes by University of Mysore.” A schedule design for optional periods of time/objectives.
OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF THE STUDY Choice-Based It is the flexibility given to the student to choose the subject of interest by the institution for purpose of graduation. Credit System It is the weightage given to the student’s performance for a course usually in relation to the instructional hours assigned to it. Teacher Trainees The students undergoing secondary teacher- training program. Teacher-training institutes These are the pre-service secondary level teacher-training institutes. Introductory notes.
Variable included in the study Independent variables Gender Types of college. Dependent variables Attitude towards CBCS pattern
REVIEW OF LITERATURE The National Curriculum Frame work 2010 for Teacher Education - Teaching Learning Centers to act as laboratories for the theory and practice of teacher training. Focuses on continuous and comprehensive evaluation of developing teachers An article by Alausa, Y. A. - Continuous Assessment in our Schools: Advantages and Problems Basavaraju, S.D.(2006) - Perception of Upper Primary School Teachers Towards the Grading Followed in Trimester System Objectives for instruction and expected results and/or skills developed from learning.
REVIEW OF LITERATURE Kumari, Asha(2010)- Perception and Attitude About Class and Board Examination Reforms in CBSE Schools of Mysore City Redelius, Karen and Hay, Peter J (2012)-Student View on Criterion-Referenced Assessment and Grading in Sweedish Physical Education There are a few studies done on grading system in schools and colleges and also semester system in the Indian context. Not many studies have been done on the newly implemented choice-based credit-based continuous assessment system. As it has been 2 years since the implementation of the system by University of Mysore at all Educational Institutions under its pursue, it becomes necessary to know the actual status at these institution, it pros and cons, etc, which has led to undertake that study. Relative vocabulary list.
NEED AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study is being undertaken with an objective of understanding whether these changes in the educational field has met its inceptive goals the pros and cons of this new pattern of evaluation if need be, to objectively provide some tips on improvisation to achieve the set goals. A list of procedures and steps, or a lecture slide with media.
NEED AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY At this point of time various questions arise, a few of which are as follows: How well the teacher trainees and teacher educators have understood the system and how are they working for the optimum utilization of the benefits of the system? Has the system been adopted appropriately by the educational institutes? Are students comfortable with the type of assessment? Are the teachers being able to fulfill the criteria required to assess their students? What are the problems faced by students and teachers to implement this system? Is there any modification or improvisation required on the system being adopted? Hence the investigator tries to make an attempt to answer these question through this study. Example graph/chart.
OBJECTIVES To study the evaluation method of Choice Based Credit Based Continuous Assessment pattern in secondary level teacher education program. To analyze the attitude of teacher trainees towards Choice Based Credit Based Continuous Assessment pattern of study. To know the perception of teacher educators in dealing with new Choice Based Credit Based Continuous Assessment pattern. To find the perception of head of the institutions towards Choice Based Credit Based Continuous Assessment pattern. Example graph/chart.
RESEARCH QUESTION How is evaluation method of Choice Based Credit Based Continuous Assessment different from old method of evaluation? Do teacher trainees have favorable attitude towards Choice Based Credit Based Continuous Assessment pattern of study? What are the perceptions of teacher educators towards the Choice Based Credit Based Continuous Assessment pattern? What are the perceptions of head of the institutions toward the change in the pattern of evaluation to Choice Based Credit Based Continuous Assessment? Conclusion to course, lecture, et al.
METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY A summary of the methodology adopted for the study is given below: Design of the study The present study adopts survey method. Sampling procedure The geographical area selected for the present study is Mysore City, Karnataka State. Only B.Ed. colleges are selected for the study. Stratified random sampling technique will be employed for the selection of the sample. An opportunity for questions and discussions.
Sampling Procedure Selection of Colleges There are a total of 16 B.Ed. colleges in Mysore City including 2- Government, 4-Aided and 10-Unaided. 50% of each type will be randomly selected. Selection of Students A total of 50 students, 25 male and 25 female students from each selected college will be randomly selected. The total number of students selected for data collection would be 400. Selection of Teachers About 5 teachers per college (irrespective of their gender) will be randomly selected for the data collection. The total number of teacher educators will be 40. Head of the Institutions All the Head of the Institutions of the selected colleges will be interviewed which totals to 8.
Tools of The Study The following tools will be constructed by the investigator for the collection of the data: An attitude scale for teacher trainees to analyze their attitude towards CBCS pattern by using Likert Summative technique. A questionnaire will be used for collection of information from teacher educator regarding the problems faced by them and their view on the CBCS pattern. A semi-structured interview scale will be used by the investigator to obtain the views of the Head of the Institutions.
Procedure Data Analysis and Plan The investigator personally visits various schools selected, and the research tools will be administered by him after seeking the permission of the head of the institution. Simultaneously, the questionnaires will be distributed to the selected teachers in the respective institutions. The investigator will have a face-to-face interview with the head of the institution to seek their views about the change in the evaluation system. Data Analysis and Plan Standard technique like mean, standard deviation, and percentages will be employed to the quantitative data. The data collected from questionnaire will be analyzed qualitatively.
Delimitation of the study The study is restricted to Mysore City, and it will cover only 8 B.Ed. colleges in City. Sample contains only 400 teacher trainees, 40 teacher educators, and 8 head of institutions. It includes only 25 male and 25 female students from the each selected colleges.