Puritans 1620-1758
Early America 1500’s and 1600’s Early colonists did not call themselves “Americans” until the mid 18th century 1585 – 1590 Lost Colony of Roanoke Island (91 men, 17 women) 1606 King James I divided Eastern seaboard 1607 Arrived and established Jamestown 1616 New export saved their lives – tobacco 1619 First Slaves arrive at Jamestown to work tobacco fields 1620 Pilgrims landed at Plymouth 1624 John Smith publishes General History of Virginia 1630 William Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation
Massachusetts Bay Colony 1630 Established Massachusetts Bay Colony 1635 First Public School founded in Boston 1636 First college, Harvard, is founded as seminary 1638 First colonial press 1640 First American published book, The Bay Psalm Book 1650 Anne Bradstreet’s poems 1682 Mary Rowlandson’s account of captivity with Algonquians 1693 Cotton Mather publishes The Wonders of the Invisible World in defense of Salem Witch Trials.
1700’s 1704 America’s first newspaper, The Boston Newsletter 1739 The religious revival, The Great Awakening begins 1741 Jonathan Edwards Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God 1773 Boston Tea Party 1776 Thomas Paine publishes Common Sense passionately arguing case for independence 1776 Declaration of Independence 1781 British defeat at Yorktown ends Revolutionary War 1787 Constitution approved 1789 The Interesting Narrative on the life of Olaudah Equiano
Puritan Beliefs Critical of Church of England, Anglican Church, for being “too Catholic” – robes, kneeling, fancy ornaments, organ music, bishop appointment of ministers They gave up trying to purify church, thus being called Separatists. Humans exist for the glory of God Bible is sole expression of God’s will Doctrine of the Original Depravity Adam and Eve broke the covenant with God All people were sinners and damned Doctrine of the Predestination Only the Elect would go to heaven Continually searched souls for signs of God’s grace Being good would not change your damnation
Puritan Literature Theological studies Sermons Hymns Auto/Biography Histories Serious self examination NO fiction or drama Plain writing where clear statement is the highest goal Ornate clever style is vanity Purpose: to provide spiritual insight and instruction
Puritan Values Education – created America’s first schools Within 4 years, voted to create first college and established within 6 years Hard Work “Idle hands are the devil’s workshop” “Puritan Work Ethic” Family Life Community Service Self-sacrifice Anything unknown or mysterious is of the devil Supremacy of Divine Will Natural phenomena is the will of God Un-natural events caused by the Devil’s witches Theocracy: Government controlled by the church
Characteristics of Puritan Writing The Bible provided a model for Puritan writing – each individual life was a journey to salvation. They saw a direct connection between Biblical events (allusions) and their own lives. From R Wilton
Characteristics of Puritan Writing They used writing to explore the inner and outer lives for signs of the workings of God. Diaries and histories were the most common types of literature. They favored a “plain style” and stressed clear expressions over complicated figures of speech. From R Wilton
William Bradford 1590-1657 Of Plymouth Plantation Described hardships of journey to New World; unshakeable belief in God. Plain Style of writing - few figures of speech or metaphors.
Mary Rowlandson 1636-1678 A Narrative of Captivity Story of capture by Native Americans; endured many hardships Saw her story as reflection of Bible stories of hardship- used allusions to Biblical stories.
Anne Bradstreet 1612-1672 The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America…By a Gentlewoman in Those Parts Published in England without her knowledge by her brother-in-law Explores religion and personal relationship with God. Difference - Use of metaphor in writing.
Jonathan Edwards 1703-1758 Fire and brimstone imagery. Helped bring about the Great Awakening. Tyrannical pastor - extreme and strict - humans “lowly sinners.”
Works Cited Dolan, Jennifer. Puritan Literature in America. Henry County Schools, McDonaugh, GA. 2001. PPT.