Alternate 2-D Art What is it?
Art – What is its pUrpose?
Art – What is its pUrpose? Art for Art’s Sake (entertainment, expression, etc.)
Art – What is its pUrpose? Art for Art’s Sake (entertainment, expression, etc.) Art for Communication
Art – What is its pUrpose? Art for Art’s Sake (entertainment, expression, etc.) Art for Communication Art for Documentation (to record history)
Can you read the pictures?
Can you read the pictures?
Can you come up with a Picture Sentence Can you come up with a Picture Sentence? Use easily recognizable Symbols and Sounds of words over literal translations You have 5 minutes at your table to come up with a picture sentence to share!
Alternate 2-D art includes… Printmaking Photography Film Animation and more !
Careers Related to 2-D Visual Arts How many can you name? What media do they use?
Printmaking – What’s that? The artistic design and manufacture of prints, such as woodcuts or silk-screens. Can be …
Rubber Stamp Printing …
(Wood)Block Print …
(Wood)Block Print…
Linoleum Print …
Etching & Lithography …
Silk-Screening / Screen Printing …
… And even Photography Is Photography “ART”?
“art,” and what makes it “good” art? Photography But what makes it “art,” and what makes it “good” art?
To be Art or not to be Art. That is the question.
Some of the Most Famous Photographs of all time – why do YOU Think they are so Famous?
Photography – where does it come frOM anyway? Earliest photography and cameras in 16th century … further developed into 18th century…
Photography Early photography was used for documentation…
Photography but artistry quickly became found… Harvest of Death (Gettysburg)
Photography Votes for Women
Photography No Turning Away
Photography Photography remained important for documentation of history – but artists were behind the camera …
Photography Photography remained important for documentation of history – but artists were behind the camera …
Photography Photography remained important for documentation of history – but artists were behind the camera …
Photography Photography remained important for documentation of history – but artists were behind the camera …
Photography Migrant Mother – Dorothea Lange
Photography Artist’s explored ways to manipulate photography for visual effects… MOTION PHOTOGRAPHY was found.
Photography More Visual Effects – manipulating shutter speed to capture movement ...
Photography More Visual Effects – depth of field …
Photography More Visual Effects – art and a copy machine … Ballerina
Photography and then the fun began… Glass Tears by artist Man Ray
Photography Salavador Dali
Fine Art Photography what makes it GOOD. Does it Communicate Fine Art Photography what makes it GOOD ? Does it Communicate? Does it Express? Does it Document? Does it utilize the Elements (line, color, value, space, etc.) and Principles (movement, pattern, balance, etc.) of Design? Ansel Adams Grace Weston
Fine Art Photography what makes it GOOD. Does it Communicate Fine Art Photography what makes it GOOD ? Does it Communicate? Does it Express? Does it Document? Does it utilize the Elements (line, color, value, space, etc.) and Principles (movement, pattern, balance, etc.) of Design? Annie Leibovitz narrative photos
Digital Photo Demonstration…
Your Assignment - Photography Project Join a small group (2-4 members) In your group, choose a song lyric (a single line or phrase from a song w/ appropriate language and content) Plan together how to create a photo that illustrates that lyric (you must thumbnail a minimum of 3 ideas) Decide who will take the photo, props, etc., where the photo will be taken, and anything else that is needed Have your plan approved by Mrs. C-B before taking a photo THEN, we will go use laptops (Photoshop, or Windows) to digitally finish photos for presentation IF YOU ARE DONE PLANNING Look through an art book, find a photo and respond to it in your sketchbook RESEARCH for your 2-page paper on any art career. Record your sources!