Partnership Needs and Innovation Partnership Needs and Innovation: Centre for Global Health & the Sudan Medical Specialization Board Dr. Ayat Abu-Agla (CGH and SMSB) Dr. Frédérique Vallières (CGH)
The Context: Sudan HRH Health workforce shortage: Geographical misdistribution with 70% of HRH serving 30% of the population; Skill-mix imbalance with a ratio of 6:1 doctors:nurses Health labour market imbalances and; Migration of its health workforce (FMoH-Sudan, 2006); Abuagla, 2013)
SUDAN MEDICAL SPECIALIZATION BOARD (SMSB) The sole professional body mandated to manage and deliver medical and health speciality training programs in the country Award of over 3500 MD Degrees (Medical Consultants) in the 33 different specializations of SMSB. Training of over 4000 candidates Degrees Awarded: MD, Fellowship, Professional Diplomas and Postgraduate Certificates. SUDAN MEDICAL SPECIALIZATION BOARD (SMSB)
Sustainable Development Goal Global HRH Strategy: HWF 2030 National Health Sector Strategy National HRH Strategy SMSB Strategy Expansion of SMSB Umbrella to include other Health Professions SO3 SO2 SO5 Decentralization and Monitoring of Training Role Transformation from Provision to Supervision and Accreditation of Training SO1 Strengthening SMSB Governance SO4 Horizontal and Vertical Expansion to respond to Healthcare and Migration Challenges
Vision for Partnership Common Goal: Working together to strengthen the Sudanese Health System Proposed Method: Training Needs Assessment to Identify Identify needs in Health Training & Education Identify gaps Policy & Practice Explore possible skill-exchanges with TCD
Possible Outcomes of Partnership Strengthening the Sudanese Health System on three levels: Health System Governance SMSB trainees are policy makers, health managers, MoH, NGOs, INGOs, HWF Health Professional Education SMSB trainers are teaching staff: medical and health science Health Service Delivery SMSB trainers and graduates form the majority of the health workforce
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