Horse Heroes Day 2
How can people and animals work as a team?
The old, rickety bridge was not safe to cross.
The old, rickety bridge was not safe to cross.
The side of my house looked black The side of my house looked black! When I got up closer, I realized it was infested with stink bugs!
The side of my house looked black The side of my house looked black! When I got up closer, I realized it was infested with stink bugs!
The landslide wiped out all of the trees on the side of the hill.
The landslide wiped out all of the trees on the side of the hill.
I was nervous that the quicksand would suck me in!
I was nervous that the quicksand would suck me in!
Because she had a strong ambition to go to college, she read each night.
Because she had a strong ambition to go to college, she read each night.
The cat had a lot of resistance to being put in the bathtub.
The cat had a lot of resistance to being put in the bathtub.
There are a vast amount of cereal options at the store.
There are a vast amount of cereal options at the store.
The cows roamed the field.
The cows roamed the field.