Universities in 2016: Open or Closed? Sir John Daniel
Lord Geoffrey Crowther Inauguration of the Open University 1969
First Moon Landing 1969
Inauguration of the Open University 1969 ‘What a happy chance it is that we start on this task, in this very week when the Universe has opened. The limits not only of explorable space, but of human understanding, are infinitely wider than we have believed’ Geoffrey Crowther Inauguration of the Open University 1969
Inauguration of the Open University We are open as to places. This University has no cloisters - a word meaning closed. Geoffrey Crowther Inauguration of the Open University
Universities in 2016: Open or Closed? Sir John Daniel
Open as to: People Places Methods Ideas
Universities in 2016: Open or Closed? Sir John Daniel
Left Right
Political freedoms are not increasing
Ten Reasons to Look Forward to the Future Food Sanitation Life expectancy Poverty Violence The environment Literacy Freedom Equality The next generation Ten Reasons to Look Forward to the Future
Education sustains Progress
Higher Education ? Open Closed
Open as to: People Places Methods Ideas
25 students on campus 2,300 public - free MOOCs began in Canada 2008 Connectivism & Connective Knowledge 25 students on campus 2,300 public - free University of Manitoba
Course x6002 Circuits and Electronics 155,000 registrations 23,000 tried first test 9,000 passed mid-term 7157 passed = < 5%
A student of 14 MOOCs
My MOOCs - The Mind is Flat (Warwick University) - Talk the Talk (Open University) - Start Writing Fiction (Open University) - Challenging Wealth and Income Inequality (Open University) - Childhood in the Digital Age (Open University) - What is a Mind? (University of Cape Town) - Empire: The Controversies of British Imperialism (Exeter U.) - Logical and Critical Thinking (University of Auckland) - Exploring English: Magna Carta (British Council) - Basic Science: Understanding Numbers (Open University - Strategies for Successful Ageing (Trinity College Dublin) - Mindfulness & Wellbeing for Peak Performance (Monash U) - Cybersecurity (Open University) - Ageing Well: Falls (Newcastle University)
2012 2016
Meaning of every letter is negotiable!
Massive = Open to People Open = Open to Places Online = Open to Methods Course = ??????
Course x6002 Circuits and Electronics Not for Credit
What is higher education? Teaching Learning Credentials What is higher education?
MOOCs are not in themselves the transformation of HE
If Harvard is going online it must be OK!
MOOCs are not in themselves the transformation of HE But they have been the catalyst for that transformation
The high-water mark of MOOCs in higher education?
‘Specialist Organisation’ partners
MOOCs for Development
The Babson Reports Online Learning in US HE 2003-2016 ’when more than one-quarter of higher education students are taking a course online, distance education is clearly mainstream'.
From Inside Higher Ed - USA
The Babson Reports Online Learning in US HE 2003-2016 ‘Over 70% of senior academic officers in American universities now consider that learning outcomes in online education are the same or superior to those in face-to-face instruction, while fewer than 30% see them as inferior’ ‘
Blended Flexible learning learning
The continuum of technology-based teaching (Bates, 2015)
Blended learning - What mix? Flexible learning - How flexible?
https://opentextbc.ca/teachinginadigitalage/ Tony Bates https://opentextbc.ca/teachinginadigitalage/
Babson definitions: % online 80% Online 29% Face to face 30% 80% Blended (hybrid)
Blended learning ‘all combinations of online and face-to-face with between 30% to 80% delivered online’ Hybrid learning ‘the whole teaching-learning system is redesigned to create optimum synergy between the face-to-face sessions and learning online’
What does the research say? asynchronous online learning gives better results than face-to-face teaching. The superiority of blended learning probably lies not in the online medium itself but in the combination of elements that it uses, resulting in deeper student engagement with the instructional system.
What does the research say? There is little evidence or theory to guide decisions about what is best done online and what is best done in person in blended learning, or indeed when fully online learning is a better option than classroom teaching. or
The Law of Equal Substitution Tony Bates The Law of Equal Substitution ‘academically, most courses can be taught equally well online or face-to-face’
The Law of Equal Substitution ‘other factors, such as cost, convenience for teachers, social networking, the skills and knowledge of the instructor, the type of students, or the context of the campus, will be stronger determinants of whether to teach a course online or on campus than the academic demands of the subject matter'
Blended Flexible learning learning PEDAGOGY ADMINISTRATION
Too rigid = break Too flexible = collapse
Beware of too much flexibility in: Timing of study Variety of outcomes Unbundling
is asynchronous when to study?
a mechanism to motivate them to give some priority to their studies when to study?
Beware of too much flexibility in: Timing of study Variety of outcomes Unbundling
New Credentials
Beware of too much flexibility in: Timing of study Variety of outcomes Unbundling
Unbundling higher education Programme design Content development Course delivery Student support Assessment Credentialling
Happy world of choice…or…anarchy?
Will students want unbundling? Students want an institution they trust Faculty like to know ‘their’ students Institutions like to identify ‘their’ students
Rebundling higher education Programme design Content development Course delivery Student support Assessment Credentialling
Universities in 2016: Open or Closed? Sir John Daniel
= THANK YOU Sir John Daniel For text & slides: www.sirjohn.ca