My travel to Dublin My travel to Dublin
The city of Dublin Dublin is the capital of Irish Republic , It is place in the East of Ireland, in the mouth of the Liffey. It has around 527 600 inhabitants. It is an Anglo-saxon city original Celtic who was dominated by the English a lots of time. The principal quarter of Dublin are St Stephen Green, Merrion Square and the quarter of the North Bank.
Phoenix Park Phoenix Park The Phoenix Park was created in 1662. It ‘s around 4.8 miles of the downtown city. We can play Polo, Cricket … It welcome a herd of savage deer. We can see a loads of concert … His principal enter is in Parkgote St Phoenix Park
The national Museum of Dublin
The Convention Center Dublin
The means of transportation
The Trinity College Library Based in 1592, she is Placed right in the heart of the university of Trinity college in Dublin, Old library is the oldest library of the city. She groups thousands of works distributed on two floors. The library welcomes particularly former books of which some shall date the fifth century
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