The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County 권혜인 20105734 김란희 20082464 이은주 20082492 황미령 20105780
Contents Author Vocabulary Summary Story with in a story Angels camp Quiz The jumping frog contest
Samuel Langhorne Clemens Pen Name : Mark Twain Birth and Death : 1835. 11. 30 – 1910. 4. 21 Birth Place : Florida, Missouri, U.S. Meaning of His Pen Name : It means safe depth of water for the ships to pass.
When he was 22 years old, he was recommended to be a pilot, and he accepted the job. His childhood experience in Mississippi River and Job experience as a pilot greatly influenced on his novels.
The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County Mark Twain’s Works The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Prince and The Pauper
Some of his pieces were forbidden, because there were some expressions that depreciate Black people such as ‘Nigger’ which the government thought would foster the racial prejudice. However, he had no intention of depreciating, but reflecting the hardships of discriminated Black people. He died of heart attack on 21, April, 1910 when the next day the Halley’s Comet got close to the earth.
Vocabulary interminable: If you describe something as interminable, you are emphasizing that it continues for a very long time and indicating that you wish it was shorter or would stop. asthma: Asthma is a lung condition which causes difficulty in breathing. cavort: When people cavort, they leap about in a noisy and excited way. cipher: A cipher is a secret system of writing that you use to send messages. furnace: A furnace is a container or enclosed space in which a very hot fire is made, for example to melt metal, burn rubbish, or produce steam.
Vocabulary garrulous : If you describe someone as garrulous, you mean that they talk a great deal, especially about unimportant things. append : When you append something to something else, especially a piece of writing, you attach it or add it to the end of it. conjecture : When you conjecture, you form an opinion or reach a conclusion on the basis of information that is not certain or complete. exasperate: If someone or something exasperates you, they annoy you and make you feel frustrated or upset. dilapidate: to fall or cause to fall into ruin or decay.
Summary In compliance with the request of a friend of mine, I found Simon Wheeler who is good-natured, garrulous to inquire of my friend's friend-Leonidas W. Smiley. Simon Wheeler backed me into a corner and blockaded me there with his chair, and then sat down and reeled off the monotonous narrative. He never changed his expression from the first sentence to the end. In spite of that was ridiculous or funny about his story, he regarded it as a really important matter. Simon told me there was a feller named Jim Smiley. He was the most curious man about always betting on anything that turned up you ever see. For example, dog-fight, cat-fight, chicken-fight, betting birds which one would fly first, anyway, all of things you can bet. But he was lucky, uncommon lucky. He most always come out winner.
Summary First and last, Smiley had a mare, a little small bull-pup, rat-tarriers, and chicken cocks, and tomcats and all them kind of things. You couldn't fetch nothing for him to bet. One day, he caught a frog, He began to learn that frog to jump. Three months later, the frog could whirl in the air like a doughnut. He put that frog into a little box and he used to fetch him downtown sometimes and lay for a bet. One day, he met a stranger. The man was curious to know the frog. Smiley told him,' I should judge- it can outjump any frog in Calaveras County.' The stranger didn't think that this frog is any better than any other frog. Then Smiley would resk forty dollars that it can outjump any frog in Calaveras County. But the man didn't have frog to bet. So Smiley let him hold his box and he went to catch frog.
Summary while Smiley caught frog, the stranger filled the frog full of quail-shots. After a long time, Smiley finally caught frog to fetch him and started to bet. When Smiley touched up the frogs, the new frog hopped off lively but his frog was like a rock, it didn't move. The stranger took the money away. Smiley was quite surprised, but he didn't have no idea what the matter was happened. Finally he found it, but he never caught him. Here Simon Wheeler heard his name called and he moved away. He let me hold a second. But, by your leave, I didn't think that a continuation of the history of the vagabond Jim Smiley would be likely to afford me much information concerning the Rev. Leonidas W. smiley, and so I went away.
Story within a story The story is divided into two parts: –The story’s first part with a narrator with high-registered speech, a symbol for the educated and civilized Easterners. –The Westerners had a exaggerated drawl and twang conveyed by Twain’s spelling. –The narrative is now in strong dialect English and told with a great comical exaggeration.
California Gold Rush began on January 24, 1848, when gold was found by James W. Marshall at Sutter's Mill, in Coloma, California. News of the discovery brought some 300,000 people to California from the rest of the United States and abroad. Of the 300,000, approximately half arrived by sea and half walked overland. The gold-seekers, called "Forty-niners" (as a reference to 1849), often faced substantial hardships on the trip. While most of the newly arrived were Americans, the Gold Rush attracted tens of thousands from Latin America, Europe, Australia, and China. Angels Camp The setting of the “Jumping Frog”story is Angels’Camp, a mining town in the west, which still exists today. The date was between the winter of 1849 and the spring of 1850 during the Gold rush
Quiz 1. How long did Jim Smiley "educate" his frog in order to make him a championship jumper? A.1 Month B.1 Year C.3 Months D.1 Week C.3 Months 2. As Jim Smiley is searching for a frog to give to the stranger for the competition, the stranger engages in some foul business. What cheating act does the stranger do before the competition? A. He injures the back legs of Smiley's frog. b. He releases fire ants onto Smiley's frog. C. He puts a very sticky adhesive on the feet of Smiley's frog. D. He pours quail-shot into Smiley's frog. D. He pours quail-shot into Smiley’s frog.
Quiz 3. After the stranger is gone, Jim Smiley tries to discern why his talented frog wouldn't jump. How does he discover that his frog has been tampered with? A. The frog won't allow Smiley to touch him. B. He picks the frog up and realizes that he weighs about five pounds. C. The frog has a very foul odor. D. He tries to feed the frog but he will not eat. B. He picks the frog up and realizes that he weighs about five pounds
The Jumping frog contest
The notorious jumping frog of Calaveras County. Reference The notorious jumping frog of Calaveras County.
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