Let’s Get to Work Project Wisconsin’s Let’s Get to Work Project WSTI Transition Academy November 29, 2012 1
Projects of National Significance ADD Partnerships in Employment Grants Awarded to 6 states in 2011, 2 more states in 2012. NY, MS, MO, CA, IA & TN, AK Focus on policies that lead to improved integrated employment outcomes for youth with significant intellectual and developmental disabilities. 2
Project framework includes all stakeholders: School staff Service agencies: Voc Rehab; Long-term care system Students Families Broader community (including employers) 3
WI Project Overview: 4 Main Components Statewide consortium Policy team Pilot schools On-site coaches 4
Consortium Key stakeholders who identify policy and practice barriers and strategies for engaging policymakers. Includes updates from schools and 3 state agencies. Includes youth track! Parent track at last meeting. 5
Policy Team Members What it does 6
Practical Strategies for Engaging Policymakers Making a solid case for change: data/research Focus on policymakers’ own interests Look at what is happening in the general population of youth regarding employment in your state Help policymakers make connections Work in coalitions: create a “buzz” 7
Policy Accomplishments in Year One Guidance from DVR leadership on community-based assessments. Youth Transition On the Job Training (OJT). Strengthening statewide training to DVR staff on how to support individuals with the most complex disabilities (assumption that all are employable). Vocational Diploma bill passed. LRE guidance provided by OSEP as it relates to work placements. 8
Policy Accomplishments in Year One Cont. Students with disabilities included in discussion around Individual Learning Plans. All ADRC staff trained on integrated employment for youth with disabilities. Peer to Peer Mentoring added to Children’s Waiver. 9
School Pilot Sites RFPs disseminated/partners reviewed applications. Schools selected 1st Round: Grafton, Holmen, Kewaunee County, Manitowoc, Oconomowoc 2nd Round: New Auburn, Rhinelander, Stoughton, West Allis/West Milwaukee 10
School Pilot Sites 9 school pilot sites selected to implement an evidence-based intervention package. Person-centered planning Early connection to DVR School opportunity mapping Community Conversations Access to general ed classes and extra-curriculars Paid and volunteer work experiences Connecting families to opportunities early (college, benefits counseling, career options, etc.) 11
School Pilot Sites – 1st Year Accomplishments All of the 37 pilot participants connected to DVR much earlier (15 – 16 years old). Students showing more self-esteem/independence. Parents more involved in the process. Schools more engaged with business community. School staff working better as a team. PSAs! Holmen PSA, Grafton PSA 12
Coaches On-site supporters/cheerleaders/practitioners who show school staff how to try new practices. Provide resources and direct instruction training. Connect them to other professional development, training, and resources. 13
For More Information www.letsgettoworkwi.org Jenny Neugart, Project Coordinator jennifer.neugart@wisconsin.gov 608-261-7528 Nancy Molfenter, Coach/Trainer nancym_wiapse@earthlink.net 608-220-4524 Shannon Munn, Coach/Trainer shannon@incontrolwisconsin.org www.letsgettoworkwi.org 14