USMC NROTC Sideload Scholarship Board
Overview Structure of Sideload Board Types of Nominations Qualifications Application Contact Information
Sideload Board Two boards per Fiscal Year Board Membership (USMC-AD) Fall (November) Spring (April) Board Membership (USMC-AD) President PNS or NSTC, votes Members Voting: 4 MOIs/Recruiting officers Non-Voting: Recorder
Types of Nominations Selection Options Change of Option (COO) - Navy to Marine NROTC Scholarship (for College Program midshipmen) Advance Standing – not offered during Early board NSTC provides recommended allocations NSTC controls the money
Change of Option (Navy to Marine Scholarship) Nominee who is receiving the Navy Option Scholarship and seeking a “change” from Navy to Marine Scholarship Current Juniors can be offered Advanced Standing if not selected for COO.
Marine Option Scholarship (NSTC Controlled) Nominee who is a College Program or Civilian and seeking a Marine Option Scholarship Eligible for Marine Option Scholarship 2 or 3 Years 2-Year only for Civilians (2-Year National) Needs to have minimum observation time if already enrolled Number offered controlled by NSTC
Advance Standing (AS) Stipend vice Scholarship College Program, prior to starting their junior year must be selected for Advance Standing or be disenrolled Based on program numbers Put in for Scholarship Fall back is Advance Standing Navy College Program applying for NSTC controlled can receive AS if not awarded change of option (rising juniors only)
Basis for Selection Solid academic and professional performance Potential for program completion and future service TBS Horizontal Themes: Exemplary Character Devoted to leading Marines 24/7 Able to Decide, Communicate, and Act A Warfighter Mentally and Physically Tough
Qualifications Academic Physical SAT – 1000 (math and critical reading); or ACT – 22 (composite); or AFQT – 74; and CUM GPA – 2.5 Physical Within Height/Weight/Body Fat standard per MCO 6110.3 225 PFT
Application Endorsements (PNS/MOI) Student Essay Official Transcripts (or Certified) Official Test Scores (or Certified) OCS Statement of Understanding Signed Information Sheet w/ Supporting Documentation Hand Written Student Endorsed Detailed Explanation attachment for “Yes” Answers
Application Continued Law Enforcement/Court Documentation (If Applicable) Tattoo Screening Form w/ Color Photo Tattoo Statement of Understanding Professional Color Photo in Uniform 2-Year National Applicants SF 86 Pages 1 and 7 Degree Completion Plan NROTC Applicant Interview Form Interviewed by Two Marine Officers
Contact Information ON/E (703) 784-9446/9447 Captain Bowers (703) 432-9685 (Office Line) Ms. Amy Coppage (703) 432-9687 (Office Line) Ms. Jeanette Northan (703) 784-9446 (Office Line) Ms. Kelly Owens