Dissociative identity disorder. Dissociative disorders. By Lydia Paull, 10G
Description: dissociation Dissociation: is a mental process were a person will dissociate their thoughts, feelings, actions, memories or sense of identity. Disorders may include; Dissociative amnesia, Dissociative Fugue, Depersonalization Disorder and Dissociative Identity Disorder. (State government Victoria, 2015) Dissociation disorders develop as a defence to extreme ordeals; abuse, rape, stressful situations e.c.t typically in youth as children. Children are more vulnerable to dissociate themselves then adults. (clinic, march-24-2014) Unfortunately no empirical evidence has been proven that trauma is connected to dissociation. (clinic, 2014)
Description: (DID) Dissociative Identity Disorder. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or previously known as multiple personality disorder (Spanos, 1994), is frequently known when there is a coexistence of two or more personalities (also known as alters) that existence in one body. (webmd,2015) ‘Personalities’ are patient’s identities, which have been dissociated or split.(Psych Central ,2015) Personalities or alters may appear when there is a situation in which the ‘host’ cannot cope with or in random appearances. A person who has dissociative identity disorder almost always has dissociative amnesia too. (Barlow, Duran,2009)
Symptoms A statement from Helen, she has DID. A switch is a Transition between alters. signs to indicate the switch; facial expression and or psychical position of the body. (Putnam, Guroff, Silberman, Barban, and post, 1986) It is common for the patient to hear voices in their head. They are simply personalities within.(allpsych,2015) Loss of personal information and memories, which is not just forgetfulness. (Barlow and Durand, 2009) This is where the host or other alters may not remember where they are or what they were doing before and after the switch.(Sussex 2015) During the ‘switch’ alters may show a different tone in voice, opinions, values, religion, gender, sexual orientation, name and memory. Alters may also have their own skill, needs and abilities. (better health channel, 03/25/2015) Depression.(Allpsych, 2015) Can it be faked? Patients are commonly misdiagnosed with schizophrenia due to common symptoms.(neurowiki, 2014)
onset It begins usually when there is a traumatic experience as a young child. When the situation is too overwhelming the person will start to dissociate themselves from the abuse. “Floating to the ceiling” or “fade into the wall.” (ross,2012) In this state the person will start to dissociate themselves Another onset is that the child might have an ‘imagery friend’. And that ‘imagery friend’ would ‘attach itself’ to the child and start to take over the body.(ross,2012) There is no particular age that is starts but you are more vulnerable as a child, Diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder is usually made in adulthood. (WebMD, 2015)
duration An altar can take over the ‘host’ for minutes or as long as days. (Barlow, Duran,2009) Unless the patient gets help from his or her therapist, this disorder will not go away on its own.(AllPsych, 2015)
Prevalence and incidence A clinical population estimated: 0.5% - 1.0%, General population estimated: 1.0% - 5.0%, Females are more likely to be a diagnosis of DID, at a ratio of 9:1, (student pulse, 2015)
Risk factor Dissociative Identity Disorder is linked to childhood abuse in 95-98% of cases.(Student pulse, 2015) Studies on biological factors contributing to DID have varied findings. But heritability appeared to have no effect. (Student pulse, 2015) According to student pulse (2015) more research is need to determine whether biological tendencies or traumatic experience is more likely developed in a child when one of their biological parents has DID.
Treatment: video. Medicine Prozac= anti-depressant Diazepam= Valium, treat anxiety. Asenapine = anti-psychotic Zopiclone = sleeping table Side effects medicine: Gaviscon = heartburn, Lemsip, mind relief= headaches, (Selwyn, 2012) Psychotherapy: integrating the personalities into one.(psych central, 2015) therapy
Other facts. Alters: the other personalities that appear. There are many ‘types’ of alters or in other words commonly identified alters, All these alters can be a part of one body. Host: the most common personality that deals with the day to day functioning. Birth personality: 'birth personality‘ doesn’t exists, Dissociated parts of the personality emerge due to a upset personality development, not from the 'splitting' off a single unified 'birth personality'.(mediawiki, 2014) Dissociative identity disorder is a struggle for most since they can’t usually keep a job, due to the switching. (Selwyn, 2012)
Bibliography. . http://www.webmd.com/mental-health/dissociative-identity-disorder-multiple-personality-disorder#1 www.psychologytoday.com/conditions/dissociative-identity-disorder-multiple-personality-disorder http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Dissociation_and_dissociative_disorders David, H.B., & mark. (2009). Abnormal psychology: an integrative approach (5th Ed). Belmont California.: Wadsworth Cengage Learning http://allpsych.com/journal/did/#.VXJWv8-qqko (colin,r.(2012). Personal interview with k, Rachel) http://psychcentral.com/disorders/sx18t.htm http://www.studentpulse.com/articles/525/dissociative-identity-disorder-overview-and-current-research Carlish, N. Selwyn, R.(2012)The women with 7 identities. England: point blank studio. http://www.dissociative-identity-disorder.net/wiki/Alter