COSEE Network Evaluation Report for the Network Meeting April 5 & 6 Washington DC
Recent Activities Contributed to special issue of Current Maintained activities database Constructed activities “gaps” request Reviewed evaluation reports for activities evaluation summaries Made first attempt at summarizing evaluation results and addressing missing information Created evaluators survey Worked on 2006 evaluation report
Activities Reporting Frequency tabulations Synthesis of descriptions Types of activities Target audiences Participants Synthesis of descriptions Evaluation summaries
Types of Activities (by Year) Activity Type Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 College Program 1 7 4 Conference 9 Evaluation K-12 Program 5 18 3 Meeting 2 13 12 11 Other Outreach 14 8 Workshop 33 51 43 Total 65 123 84
Conferences Target Audiences Formal Educators 3 Informal Educators 1 K-12 Students Scientists 5 Formal Educators, Informal Educators Formal Educators, Scientists 2 Formal educators, Informal educators, Scientists College students, informal educators, government agencies, Scientists General Public, Government Agencies, Industry Representatives, Scientists Government agencies, industry representatives, informal educators, Scientists Total Conferences 22
Meetings Target Audiences Formal Educators 1 Informal educators Other 3 Scientists 8 Formal educators, Scientists 16 Informal educators, Scientists Formal educators, Informal educators, Scientists 5 Formal educators, Government agencies, Informal educators Total Meetings 36
Outreach Target Audiences Formal Educators 1 General Public 11 K-12 Students 2 Scientists 3 General Public, Other Industry Representatives, Informal Educators, Scientists 5 Total Outreach Activities 23
Workshop Target Audiences Formal Educators 52 General Public 2 K-12 Students 1 Other Scientists 7 College students, Formal educators Formal Educators, General Public Formal Educators, Informal Educators 20 Formal Educators, K-12 Students Formal Educators, Scientists 21 Industry representatives, Scientists Informal educators, Scientists 3 College students, Formal educators, Scientists Formal educators, Informal educators, K-12 students Formal educators, Informal educators, Scientists 9 Formal educators, Informal educators, General public, Government agencies, Scientists Total Workshops 126
Target Audiences Summary College Students 15 Formal Educators 169 General Public 20 Government Agencies 6 Industry Representatives 9 Informal Educators 60 K-12 Students 28 Scientists 106 Other 7
Participation in Activities* Participants Scientists Informal Ed. Formal Ed. Students Frequency 45,065 1,410 3,652 20,762 *Frequencies are over-estimates of the numbers of participants because some individuals may participate in multiple activities
Goal #1: Increase public understanding of the ocean and its relevance to our social and economic well-being and the quality of our lives Two-Year Targets (2007 - 2008) Output Metrics Activity Progress Update Disseminate the Ocean Literacy framework among strategic audiences (e.g., politicians, educational policy makers, informal institutions, professional associations, teachers) Numbers and positions of individuals who have received a copy of the Ocean Sciences Literacy Framework No documentation received regarding those who have received the framework. Incorporate the Ocean Literacy Framework explicitly in COSEE programs Documentation of how the Framework is incorporated into COSEE programs No specific activity data on the Ocean Sciences Literacy Framework. Promote and monitor the inclusion of Ocean Literacy principles into K-12 state standards and assessments List of standards that include ocean science concepts and identification of the concepts that are included in these standards at the state level No activity data with a list of state standards. COSEE California has addressed science standards through 2 conference presentations, 5 workshops, and 1 K-12 programs. COSEE Florida's OSCI model addresses the state's science standards. COSEE Southeast reported 1 workshop that addressed the science standards. No specific activity data on national standards. Promote and monitor the inclusion of Ocean Literacy principles into national K-12 standards and assessments List of standards that include ocean science concepts and identification of the concepts that are included in these standards at the national level Create a set of coordinated Ocean Literacy messages for media outlets Documentation of the development of an official COSEE ocean literacy "message" No activities documenting an official ocean literacy message.
Goal #2: Better integrate the ocean research and science education enterprises Two-Year Targets (2007 - 2008) Output Metrics Activity Progress Update Understand the types of ocean science research and education collaborations by categorizing the types of collaborations List of types of ocean science and research collaborations Many of the activities address collaboration. There were 21 workshops specifically targeted at facilitating partnerships between ocean science researchers and formal educators. Additionally, 20 workshops targeted formal educators and informal educators. 9 activities targeted formal & informal educators and scientists. Many of these workshops involve the facilitation of scientists visiting the classrooms. Develop guidelines on effective practices for stimulating and sustaining scientist-educator collaborations List of guidelines on effective practices for stimulating and sustaining scientist-educator collaborations No activity data about guidelines. Many activities focus on the collaborations between ocean researchers and science educators. Determine COSEE program participants' perceptions of the quality and impact of educator-scientist collaborations Scores on a self assessment rubric for assessing the quality and impact of scientist-educator collaborations No scores on a self-assessment rubric. Some post-workshop data regarding program participants' perceptions of the quality and impact of educator-scientist collaborations. Data is overwhelmingly positive and participants primarily point to 'lack of time' as the barrier to more collaboration.
Goal #3: Increase and diversify the ocean workforce Two-Year Targets (2007 - 2008) Output Metrics Activity Progress Update Gather and synthesize the best information available to define and describe ocean-related jobs, their relationship to the ocean economy and present and future workforce trends (emphasis is placed on ocean science and technology occupations) Synthesis report of “current knowledge” on ocean-related occupations and trends COSEE California has developed the Ocean Careers website. Identify barriers to participation in ocean related occupations An ocean workforce workgroup report of evidence/identification of barriers to widespread participation in ocean science and technology education and careers No activity data identifying barriers to participation in ocean-related occupations. Gather and synthesize what information is known about how to increase and diversify the STEM workforce List of types of successful STEM and diversity programs and products; list of guidelines on effective practices for STEM/diversity products/programs; criteria for rating the quality and impact of STEM products/programs No data or synthesis about how to increase and diversify the STEM workforce.
Goal #4: Increase the access to, and participation in, ocean sciences and ocean sciences education by underrepresented/underserved populations Two-Year Targets (2007 - 2008) Output Metrics Activity Progress Update Develop partnerships with diversity-focused organizations that have a diverse membership and/or programs that reach a diverse audience Documentation of partnerships A few sites have documented partnerships with diversity-focused organizations. COSEE California, COSEE Southeast and COSEE Mid-Atlantic each have activities that specifically address the needs of underserved populations. Create a national COSEE committee on equitable access responsible for responding to questions and needs of COSEE sites and collaborating with other federal/state diversity initiatives Documentation of a national COSEE committee on equitable access established by 2007 (including members from diverse populations) and of recommendations/communication strategies disseminated to the COSEE network by 2008 No activity data on a national committee on equitable access or other federal/state diversity initiatives. Identify and disseminate generalizable recruitment/engagement strategies that target underserved and underrepresented populations and adapt/apply these based on local or regional opportunities (act nationally, work locally) Documentation of recruitment/engagement strategies and dissemination techniques We have no documentation of recruitment/engagement strategies. We have some data on underserved populations, but this information has not been reported in any standardized way. Of 258 activities, 118 of these, or approximately 46%, include diversity data of some kind. Some activities only include reports of ethnic diversity while others include gender diversity.
Goal #5: Improve the quality of K-12 ocean sciences teaching Two-Year Targets (2007 - 2008) Output Metrics Activity Progress Update Establish school district partnerships in each COSEE region Descriptions of district partnerships in each COSEE region California has established a partnership with the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), New England has developed a 7th grade oceanography program for the Plymouth School District. Engage ten higher education institutions in offering teaching pre-service (methods) courses focused on ocean/earth systems science Lists of institutions teaching these curricula, numbers of courses taught, and student enrollment data COSEE California's college course, Communicating Ocean Sciences has been presented at UC Berkeley, a short course was presented at California Science Teachers Association, and the Communicating Ocean Sciences course has also been implemented through COSEE Mid-Atlantic. California also worked on the COSMOS Program for high school students with San Diego State University and the Scripps Institute of Oceanography. COSEE Mid-Atlantic's "Taking the Pulse of Our Changing Planet," professional development program has been implemented at Hampton University. Florida has developed the Ocean Science Concept-Driven Interactive Model (OSCI).