WORD STUDY More than definitions! What to expect!
Expert at words! We will have a word study every other week. You will be assigned 5 spelling words which all share the same root. You must look up definitions for the 5 spelling words AND the meaning of their affixes (prefix, suffix, and root). You will be given a quiz on the spelling and meaning of the words and affixes for each Word Study.
THURSDAYS are WORD STUDY DAYS You will get your Word Study words on Thursdays. The Word Study definitions are due the next day (Friday). The quiz on the words and affixes will be given the next Thursday!
You will look up the etymology for the root of the Week. Definition of etymology: the derivation of a word (In other words, etymology means which language the word comes from.) NOTE: Most words we study originate from Greek or Latin. This is called etymology.
1. monolith (noun) suffix: (lithos) -lith
suffix: (logos) -logue 2. monologue (noun) suffix: (logos) -logue
3. monopoly (noun) suffix: (polein) -poly
4. monotone (adjective) suffix: (tonos) -tone
5. monocle (noun) suffix: (oculus) -cle
Word Study #1 mono- mon·o·lith (monolith) (Noun) Suffix = (lithos) -lith mon·o·logue (monologue) (Noun) Suffix = (logos) -logue mo·nop·o·ly (monopoly) (Noun) Suffix = (polein) -poly mon·o·tone (monotone) (Adjective) Suffix = (tonos) -tone mon·o·cle (monocle) (Noun) Suffix = (oculus) -cle