Information Session European Instrument for Democracy & Human Rights Country Based Support Scheme – Papua New Guinea RESTRICTED Call for Proposals EuropeAid/151170/DD/ACT/PG Submission deadline 11/04/2016 at 08:00 (Brussels date and time)
Agenda 10.00am – 11.15 am - Presentation Thematic Information – Operations Section (1/3) Eligibility and Financial Information - FCA (2/3) 11:15 -11.30 - Break 11:30 -12:00 - Presentation (cont.) How to apply (3/3) 12:00-12.30 - Questions and Answers
Three parts to the session: Part I Guidelines for Grant Applicants (thematic aspects)
Please read carefully and follow instructions Please follow strictly Key Documents Guidelines for Grant Applicants - Containing Rules on the Call and list of Annexes i.e., documents to fill + documents for info Grant application form (Annex A of Guidelines) Please read carefully and follow instructions Please follow strictly
1.1 Background European Instrument for Democracy & Human Rights Funding instrument Call for Proposals published annually Priority areas emerging from consultations - Lack of capacities of village court officials to disburse justice. - Lack of capacities of the National Human Rights Institutions to effectively implement its human rights obligations and promote rule of law. - Child abuse and violence against women/girls. - Lack of respect for women in regard to their ability to make decisions and taking up leadership roles in the society. - Lack of support services available for victims of sorcery related violence, child abuse and family and sexual violence. - Corruption
1.2 Objective of this Call for Proposals Global Objective: to support civil society and human rights defenders in third countries in working on human rights (political, civil, economic, social and cultural), and democratisation so as to contribute to the development and consolidation of democracy, the rule of law and respect for all fundamental rights and freedoms. Specific Objectives: - to strengthen the institutional capacity of community justice system in Papua New Guinea - to build the capacity of human rights institutions in Papua New Guinea - to support the rights of children or women rights to have access to support services when at risk - to support efforts contributing to strengthening the governance process at Districts and lower levels of government in Papua New Guinea - to strengthen efforts to make parliament more accessible to citizens - to support initiatives that promote policy dialogue among human right actors in Papua New Guinea.
2.1.4 Types of Actions/Activities Indicative types of activities eligible under this Call, not listed in a priority order, include: - Activities aimed at building the capacity of the village court system in Papua New Guinea; - Activities that support child friendly centres, children's advocacy and a campaign to end all forms of violence against children; - Activities that support efforts to promote transparency and accountability among elected representatives and good governance within the Parliamentary structure of Papua New Guinea and the Autonomous Region of Bougainville; - Activities that support the efforts of the Government of Papua New Guinea to report on its international human rights obligations which may include compiling reports, community consultations and advocacy work, creating and a establishing dialogue mechanism for partners' engagement; - Supporting the ongoing efforts to promote the rights of women which may include advocacy and media campaigns on their specific rights or initiatives that will promote their right to a life free of violence, right to education, right to fair treatment before the law, right to participate in public life and decision making processes; - Activities that promote capacity building of law enforcement agencies and human rights actors/defenders or initiatives that promote policy dialogue among different human rights actors that may lead to the establishment of an independent human rights institution;
2.1.4 Visibility The applicants must take all necessary steps to publicise the fact that the European Union has financed or co-financed the action. As far as possible, actions that are wholly or partially funded by the European Union must incorporate information and communication activities designed to raise the awareness of specific or general audiences of the reasons for the action and the EU support for the action in the country or region concerned, as well as the results and the impact of this support. Applicants must comply with the objectives and priorities and guarantee the visibility of the EU financing (see the Communication and Visibility Manual for EU external actions specified and published by the European Commission at
Thank You !