Strasse Smarts Prof. Stephen Jacobs, MA, ADD Associate Director, RIT MAGIC Center Prof. Dr. Jörg Müller-Lietzkow Universität Paderborn
A big project needs passion!
Study Abroad Courses/Programs Student leaves their own campus to study for a full academic term elsewhere. “Exchange” means similar experiences between partner universities, doesn’t affect an individual student’s experience per se.
“Faculty-Led” is different A “short-course” off-site, led by one or more faculty of the students’ home school. Can be as short as a one-or-two week experience, sometimes with an on-campus component first.
RIT-Faculty-Led RIT Class On-Campus Spring Semester, 2014 Reduced # of lectures. Topics include cultural differences industry differences trip planning meeting with “buddies” and faculty via Skype Mandatory Risk Management Lecture!!!!!
RIT Faculty-Led Off to Germany ASAP after finals/graduation German Game Industry Class is the class group blog.
Paderborn Week One Heinz Nixdorf MuseumsForum Lectures Dusseldorf side trip + Ubisoft BlueByte 2.5 day Game Jam Social Events
Berlin Computerspiele Museum Bundestag (Meeting Members of the Parliament) & CDU Headquarters (Meeting the Secretary General) Games Academy Private College Industry Visits King Wooga Wargaming
RIT Students Graded On RIT Lecture attendance and Planning Participation Game Jam Work Blogs
Paderborn Faculty-Led Sept 2015. Less formal program curriculum No need for academic credits
Rochester Course visits Game Jam 1.5 days Strong & Eastman Museums Industry Visits Darkwind Media, Second Avenue Learning, Workin’ Man
Troy Industry Visits Games Maker Space Vicarious Visions First Playable Games Maker Space Tech Valley Game Space
NYC During two major religious events, Pope’s Visit and iPhone 6s release Sightseeing & Serious Games Visits Museum of Natural History Sesame Workshop
US Lessons: Administrative MOUs and insurance Faculty due diligence visits Logistics mostly responsibility of host faculty Visiting university side needs a year or more after to arrange. Group Flights vs. Flexibility The world gets in the way
US Lessons: Course Execution “Buddy” lists are good US students need a lot of “cultural difference” prep “Faculty-LED” is not “Faculty-Chaperoned” “Out of Sync” academic calendars can be a benefit
German Lessons: Administrative Marketing is absolutely necessary U.S. is more spontaneous All visits are based on personal networks German students need to start saving money very early
German Lessons: Course Execution More focus on the content exchange is needed (common lectures) Car travel is not always easy (nor is finding restaurants for vegans ) There should be a constant, virtual exchange in preparation. Some unexpected language hurdles
Next Paderborn-RIT Probably 2017/18 as recent refugee crisis has deterred US students (or more likely parents) The next German group has to team up. University and Student Finances are different in EU.
New RIT Faculty-Led, 2018 Ritsumeikan University: College of Science and Engineering, Biwako-Kusatsu, Shiga College of Image Arts and Sciences,Kinugasa Campus, Kyoto Game Studios and cultural sites in Shiga, Kyoto and Tokyo