AP CSP: Performance Task - Explore
Introduction: You have the first 15 minutes of class to make any final adjustments to your assignment and submit to me. Follow the link below and upload your file to the Google Drive Folder Period 4 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bx53MmlwisQ2WENWSWFORWpKbkk?usp=sharing Period 5 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bx53MmlwisQ2UUdGaWgtdVZpUE0?usp=sharing Remember to follow these instructions before submitting your file. Submit your written responses and your visualization in PDF format. Write your responses in a word file and paste your visualization to the same word file. You will name your file “yourname_StoryData.pdf” yourname is actually your real name.
Explore Task: Today you will begin working on your Explore Performance Task. Remember there are two Performance Tasks you will have to complete A Computational Artifact A Computer Program We are focusing on the Computational Artifact today. More specifically you are going to be given 1 hour in class today to work on this particular assignment You have 8 total in-class hours to work on this task
Today Goal: The goal of this Explore task is to explore a computing innovation of your choice. Follow the general requirements when choosing your innovation. You are also requires to investigate your computing innovation using a variety of sources (e.g., print, online, expert interviews) Make sure that your innovation is in accordance with all the requirements listed on the first page of the packet you received. Find the computing innovation you would like to explore further and make sure the innovation you chose is extensive enough to satisfy all the requirements needed.
Goals: Once you think you have chosen the innovation you would like to explore further, now you must find some sources that investigate your computing innovation. You must find at least 3 sources ; Details on the first page of the packet At least two of the sources must have been created after the end of the previous academic year (June 2015) Also review the different prompts you will need to respond to and be aware of the approximate word count provided to you. The prompts are located on the second and third page of the packet.
Sample Explore Tasks: On the college board website there are example Explore Tasks which give you a general idea of what to do and what not to do. The website to these links are below: http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/exam/exam_information/231726.html#anc hor3 There is also a scoring guideline rubric on the same link above that tells you how you will be graded for this Explore task Scroll down to “Sample Student Responses for Performance Tasks and Scoring Information” Under “Explore – Applications from Ideas” you will find sample responses and Scoring guidelines Read this carefully so you know how to create responses that will give you the most points.