Yvon Kermarrec Telecom Bretagne Institut Mines Télécom Net Centric Computing Yvon Kermarrec Telecom Bretagne Institut Mines Télécom
Recommended reading "Distributed computing : principles and applications" de M.L. Liu « Distributed Systems Concepts and Design, 4th edition » by G Colouris et J Dolimore “Internetworking with TCP/IP” by D Comer and D Stevens Livres de A Tannenbaum
ACM/IEEE Computing Curricula : Net-Centric Computing « Recent advances in computer and telecommunications networking, particularly those based on TCP/IP, have increased the importance of networking technologies in the computing discipline. Net-centric computing covers a range of sub-specialties including: computer communication network concepts and protocols, multimedia systems, Web standards and technologies, network security, wireless and mobile computing, and distributed systems. Mastery of this subject area involves both theory and practice. Learning experiences that involve hands-on experimentation and analysis are strongly recommended as they reinforce student understanding of concepts and their application to real-world problems. Laboratory experiments should involve data collection and synthesis, empirical modeling, protocol analysis at the source code level, network packet monitoring, software construction, and evaluation of alternative design models. All of these are important concepts that can best understood by laboratory experimentation ».
advices Very dense and fast paced … and you need to follow Labs are there to experiment and test features presented in the courses … but you need to work before ! Do not hesitate to raise questions … I encourage additional readings very strongly !
Marking Exam without notes !!! Labs might be evaluated Work submitted should be yours Additional work on a paper is possible Exam and failure
Agenda Introduction to distributed systems Paradigms and models: message passing, distributed objects, client server, Labs on client server (sockets is supposed to be known) RPC Message passing with MPI Course Labs on a cluster – execution of distributed scientific applications Distributed objects with OMG Corba and Java RMI Course and labs Distributed algorithms Mutual exclusion, election, synchronization and clocks P2P system, storing and retrieving Big Data Large and complex data and systems