COUNSELING CENTER Ms. Cassity (A – HO) 801-402-6309 Mrs. Hedberg (HU – SC) 801-402-6308 Mrs. Page (SE – Z) 801-402-6310 Mrs. Hendricks (Counseling Assistant) 801-402-6307
CCR College and Career Readiness The CCR (College and Career Readiness) is a process whereby students establish and review academic goals and options. MPJ Counselors meet with all students each year. 7th Grade - Counselors meet with students in a small group setting. 8th and 9th Grade – Counselors meet with students, parents and guardians in an individual conference.
CCA College and Career Awareness The College and Career Awareness class is an opportunity for students to learn more about themselves, more about college and career options, and plan for success beyond high school.
Tips for Success in Junior High School Check your grades often. Go to my.DSD Good attendance. Write things down – use your planner. Complete homework on time. Turn in your homework on time (with your name on it!) Talk to your teacher if you don’t understand something. Keep your parents informed especially with big projects.
Homework Skills Write assignments for each class in your planner. Have a set time for homework each day. Take a 3 minute break every 15 minutes. Have someone you can call for help. Put completed assignments in a homework folder. Make up all work and tests from absences.
Test Taking Preparation Record test dates in your planner. Study 20 – 30 minutes, 2 or 3 days before a test. Review notes, quizzes, handouts, text book, etc. Quiz yourself on the term definitions and questions at the end of the chapter. When you feel you know the material, have someone quiz you. Use a colored marker to highlight the things you are having difficulty remembering.
Reading Skills 1 – Read 20 to 30 minutes daily. The more you read, the more you improve. If you are not sure what books you will enjoy, ask your teacher or friend for suggestions. 2 – To increase your reading vocabulary, use an index card for a bookmark and write the words you don’t know on the card. When you are finished reading, look up the definitions to the words you wrote on your card. Write a short definition on the card for each word (parents can help with this). Read the card everyday.
Citizenship Makeup If you receive a “U” in citizenship on your report card it must be made up. A requirement of 4 hours of service and a $5.00 fee per “U” is required for all students. Please contact Mrs. Freckleton in the main office for more information.
Advisory/Panther Time Monday – Advisory – Students report to their assigned Advisory class for the last 30 minutes of the day. With a schoolwide focus on literacy, students will read for the first 15 minutes. For the remainder of the time, students will use a current Status Report and plan for their upcoming Panther Time days. Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday- Panther Time – Students visit any teacher to receive additional help, finish assignments, retake tests or participate in silent reading.
Short and Long Range Goals Just like preparing for a hike or climb, we must chart a basic course toward our long-range goals. In CCA lesson #5 we focused on setting goals
S = Specific M = Measurable A = Attainable R = Relevant T = Time-Bound Set SMART Goals S = Specific M = Measurable A = Attainable R = Relevant T = Time-Bound
Work on your goals “One bite at a time” Break big projects into smaller, more manageable parts. Do the easy parts first – or – do the hardest parts first. Remove distractions. Use positive self talk Accept what you can do Celebrate your small accomplishments.
Registration for 8th grade Students will not request classes for 8th grade during these small group CCR conferences. We will provide information on 8th grade registration at another time. Please contact your student’s Counselor if you have any questions or concerns. We can be reached at: A – HO: Claire Cassity 801-402-6309 HU – SC: Jill Hedberg 801-402-6308 SE – Z: Amanda Page 801-402-6310
Enjoy 7th Grade! Let us help you reach for the stars. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC