At the beach Understanding the World Maths R.E/PSED Literacy We will be learning about: How the seaside and visiting the beach has changed over time. How salt changes water – floatation. Places we have been on holiday around the world. Famous tourist sites. Creating and recording music. Maths Recognise 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins and know the value of each. Counting in 10’s to 100. Doubling and halving. Adding and subtracting. Counting in 2’s. Identify patterns. R.E/PSED To identify places that are special to us and the reasons why. To look after the world around us. To talk confidently in a familiar group. To learn to be sensitive towards others ideas and feelings. To identify different feelings and emotions. To talk about how they and others show emotions. To understand their own behaviour and be aware of consequences. Literacy We will use our topic to support our learning. We will: Use ‘Talk for writing’ to recall and recite stories. Create story maps. Begin to use connectives. Focus on accurate use of full stops and capital letters. Write postcards Write book reviews. Physical Development Move safely and actively about the space. Understand how to use equipment for it's intended purpose. Importance of exercise and a healthy diet.. At the beach EAD Represent our own ideas, thoughts and feelings through art, dance and role-play. Experiment with colour, design, form and function. Explore a range of materials, tools and techniques. We will be creating: Tonal beach images. Paperweights. Dances inspired by the sea. Underwater scenes. Sketching.