Future of space exploration and its impact on the tourism industry Mr Darren Trofimczuk Lecturer Information Technology darren.trofimczuk@haaga-helia.fi
Mr Darren Trofimczuk Lecturer Information Technology darren Mr Darren Trofimczuk Lecturer Information Technology darren.trofimczuk@haaga-helia.fi +358 (0)40 488 7215 www.dtrofimczuk.co.uk Twitter: @dtrofimczukhh www.facebook.com/dtrofimczukhh www.linkedin/in/darrentrofimczuk Instagram: @dtrofimczukhh
The following website will be needed with this workshop www.spacelecture.weebly.com
Elbert Leander "Burt" Rutan Aerospace engineer & entrepreneur “The next 15 years will see thousands of people leave the atmosphere on suborbital flights. My company's SS2 system might fly 100,000 people by 2024. If it is shown to be highly profitable, perhaps we will see 20,000 people traveling to orbit by 2035, and then thousands to the moon by 2050. If we make a courageous decision, like the program we kicked off for Apollo, we will see our grandchildren in outposts on other planets.” Elbert Leander "Burt" Rutan Aerospace engineer & entrepreneur Known for: Rutan Voyager, SpaceShipOne, Virgin Atlantic GlobalFlyer, Rutan VariEze and Long-EZ, Scaled Composites founder, The Spaceship Company co-founder, pioneer of composite homebuilts Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burt_Rutan
willing to pay for a space trip Question 1 How much would you be willing to pay for a space trip (in US dollars)? €1 = $1.06
Your current options: NASTAR Basic suborbital space training www.nastarcenter.com $3,000 per person Program Content Aerospace Environment Space Vehicles & Flight Motion Environment & Orientation Acceleration Forces Life Support Systems and Suits Space Experience Physiological and Psychological Effects G Protection, Countermeasures & Skills Space Safety and Emergency Procedures Maximizing your Spaceflight Experience Keeping and Preserving Space Memories G-Tolerance Flights and Simulated Space Flights
Your current options: Zero G Corporation www.gozerog.com Price: $4,950 per passenger (experience about 35 seconds of the gravitational state on Mars or the moon for 1.5hrs)
Your current options: Virgin Galactic www.virgingalactic.com Vehicle: SpaceShipTwo Price: $250,000 per passenger 5 minutes at an altitude of about 50,000 feet (15,200 meters)
Your current options: Blue Origin https://www.blueorigin.com/ Orbital Rocket 100km above the Earth Price: No price yet!
Your current options: XCOR Aerospace No price yet-but can book a place here: www.spaceexpeditions.xcor.com/booking/ Two-person suborbital space plane called Lynx, which is designed to take off and land on an airport runway.
Your current options: Space Adventures www.spaceadventures.com (multimillion-dollar tourist flights to the International Space Station) Price: $35,000,000 per passenger Guy Laliberte paid $35,000,000 September 2009 for a 12 day trip to space
Demand for Space Tourism in America and Japan And its Implications for Future Space Activities Research report completed by: Patrick Collins - Visiting Researcher at NAL and Tokyo University, RCAST Masataka Maita - National Aerospace Laboratory (NAL) Richard Stockmans - York University, Schulich School of Business, Toronto, Canada Source: http://rstockma.tripod.com/demand.htm
Source: http://rstockma.tripod.com/demand.htm
Key Conclusions: If the price of a return ticket to low Earth orbit could be reduced to between $10,000 and $20,000 per person, a substantial fraction of the populations of the rich countries, of the order of 100 million people, would wish to make such a trip. Success will also depend on achieving safe and comfortable flight conditions, comparable to air travel today. A low cost, safe and comfortable launch vehicle is key. Value can be added to the service via space hotels or other space infrastructure.
Infographic link on website: www.spacelecture.weebly.com/virgin-galactic.html
Enterprise SpaceShipTwo accident Enterprise SpaceShipTwo prototype broke apart in a test flight on Oct. 31, 2014. Early interest is focused on the ship's twin tail booms, which were deployed into their braking position too early.
Question 2 (a & b) How likely do you think Virgin Galactic will start this service within the next 5 years? How likely on a scale from 1-5 would you use Virgin Galactic?
Question 3 Study the three infographics for a few minutes (Virgin Galatic, XCOR or Blue Origin) on the website and vote which spacecraft concept you think is the most likely to succeed?
Other interesting statistics https://www.oecd.org/sti/futures/space/48301203.pdf
Other interesting statistics https://www.oecd.org/sti/futures/space/48301203.pdf
Other interesting statistics http://www.ukspace.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/LE-Case-for-Space-2015-Full-Report.pdf
Question 4 Write one word (maximum size 12 characters to describe your thoughts about the future of space tourism? http://tagcrowd.com/