OGSA Profiles Interoperability Testing Dr. David Snelling Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe
Test Scenarios Security Approach to Security in Interop WS-naming Basic Security Profile 1.0 – core Security Profile 1.0 – secure channel Approach to Security in Interop WS-naming WSRF Basic Profile 1.0 ByteIO/DMI/BES/JSDL 2
OGSA BSP - Core Test Targets Test Scenario R0301 R0302 EPR MUST include EndpointKeyInfo element. R0302 EPR MUST include only one EndpointKeyInfo element. What’s the point? 3
OGSA BSP - Secure Channel Test Targets Test Scenario R0301/02 Requirements are on both client and server. R0303/04/05/06 MUST use TLS/SSL for HTTP and non-HTTP connections. R0307/08/09/10 Recommend cipher suites. R0317/18 MUST authenticate. R10319/20/21 Prohibited cipher suites. Use HTTP No need to have a WS. Client should fetch back the fingerprint of her own certificate. Root certificate distribution out of band. 4
Approach to Security Proposal: Everyone use Secure Channel Target Genesis II Unicore Globus GridSAM Univa NAREGI WSRF BP ? X SBP Core SP SC WS-Naming XX Proposal: Everyone use Secure Channel 5
WS-Naming: U-WS-Endpoint Test Targets Test Scenario R0301 R0302 and R0303 are mandatory. R0302 Information required for unambiguous routing to the right endpoint. R03?? Route all messages to the unique endpoint. Hard to test! ??? 6
WS-Naming: EPI Test Targets Test Scenario R0421 R0422 R0423 Sender may send an Endpoint Identifier (EPI) in the SOAP header. EPI MUST be IRIs. R0422 Receiver must not rely on this identifier for routing. R0423 EPIs Must be in the specified element within the Metadata element of the EPR. Build a single client as a ping service Endpoint sends EPR to client Client sends back a simple message: With EPI in header Without EPI in header Verify that the same entity was contacted. 7
WS-Naming: EPI Address Test Targets Test Scenario R0431 Must meet Unambiguous Web Service Endpoint Profile. R0432 All information necessary MUST be in the ws:Address. R0433 The ws:Address MUST be an EPI. Build a single client as a ping service Endpoint sends EPR to client Client sends back a simple message to the Address. Verify that the same entity was contacted. 8
WS-Naming: Resolvers Test Targets Test Scenario R0511/2 R0521/2 One of the two interfaces MUST be implemented. R0521/2 Multiple instances of each type allowed in EPR. R0523/4 These EPR MUST in in the specified element in the ws:Metadata element of the EPR. Build a single client as a ping service Endpoint sends EPR to client Client sends back a simple message to the endpoint. Success Failure Client uses resolver Second attempt succeeds 9
OGSA WSRF Basic Profile Address MUST use EPRs Resource Properties ResourcePropertyNames FinalWSResourceInterface WSResourceInterfaces ResourceEndpointReference Resource Properties Operations GetResourceProperty GetMultipleResourceProperties QueryResourceProperties MUST support Xpath queries Notification Support Subscribe Support Property Change Notification Don’t support UseRaw Must support Simple and Xpath subscription Support Notify Lifetime Support for Destroy Support for SetTerminationTime Base Faults Must support Base Faults 10