MLA FORMAT FOR WEB SITES Author. “Title of Article.” Web Site. Editor. Site Publisher, Date of Publication. Medium of Publication (Web.) Date of access. <URL> Hiltzik, Michael. “Research firm reaped stem cell funds despite panel’s advice.” Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, A Tribune Newspaper, 17 Oct. 2012. (Web.) 18 Oct. 2012. <,0,770127.column> Author. - Last name, First name. “Title of Article.” Web Site. Editor. (if there is one) - Name, ed. Site Publisher, Date of Publication. - Day Month Year Medium of Publication (Web.) Date of access. - Day Month Year <URL> Works Cited Page: TYPED NOT double spaced Skip a line between entries Alphabetized by first letter Your article may not have #1,4,6. If it doesn’t, just leave those off.
EXAMPLE Website – go click this link to check out this article,0,770127.column Author. - Last name, First name. Michael Hiltzik “Title of Article.” “Research firm reaped stem cell funds despite panel’s advice.” Web Site. Los Angeles Times. Editor. (if there is one) - Name, ed. There isn’t one Site Publisher, Los Angeles Times, A Tribune Newspaper (yes, my website and site publisher are the same FOR THIS PARTICULAR ARTICLE. The LA Times came from the Copyright symbol. The Tribune Newspaper thing came from the very bottom of the page. ) Date of Publication. - Day Month Year 17 Oct. 2012 Medium of Publication (Web.) This is the same for everyone because the article came from the internet, not a newspaper or magazine. (Web.) Date of access. - Day Month Year 19 Oct. 2014 <URL> <,0,770127.column> Putting it All Together in the Correct Format Hiltzik, Michael. “Research firm reaped stem cell funds despite panel’s advice.” Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, A Tribune Newspaper, 17 Oct. 2012. (Web.) 19 Oct. 2014. <,0,770127.column>
What you need for Works Cited Author. - Last name, First name. Graves, Lucia “Title of Article.” “How Legalizing Marijuana Could Reduce The Federal Deficit” Web Site. Huff Post Politics Editor. (if there is one) - Name, ed. There’s not one Site Publisher,, Inc. Date of Publication. - Day Month Year 04/20/2012 Medium of Publication (Web). Date of access. - Day Month Year 19 Oct. 2014 <URL> Author. “Title of Article.” Web Site. Editor. Site Publisher, Date of Publication. Medium of Publication (Web). Date of access. <URL> Graves, Lucia. “How Legalizing Marijuana Could Reduce The Federal Deficit.” Huff Post Politics., Inc. 20 Apr 2012. (Web). 19 Oct. 2014. <>
MLA Format for GALE Database On pretty much every single GALE article, they give you the correct MLA citation. Scroll down to the bottom of the webpage and just copy it exactly. Super easy. Global Issues in Context Skerritt, Andrew. "UNIFORMS SET TONE, PUT FOCUS ON SCHOOL." St. Petersburg Times [St. Petersburg, FL] 10 Aug. 2007: 1. Global Issues In Context. Web. 29 Oct. 2013. Here’s the website if you want to check it out:¤tPosition=3&qrySerId=Locale%28en%2C%2C%29%3AFQE%3D%28KE%2CNone%2C15%29school+uniforms%24&userGroupName=tlc049202926&inPS=true&docId=CJ167425054&contentSet=IAC-Documents&docId=CJ167425054&docType=IAC Opposing Viewpoints U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. "The Minimum Legal Drinking Age Should Not Be Lowered." Teens at Risk. Ed. Christine Watkins. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2009. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Underage Drinking: Why Do Adolescents Drink, What are the Risks, and How Can Underage Drinking Be Prevented?" 2006. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 29 Oct. 2013.|EJ3010167287
What you need for Works Cited Author. - Last name, First name. George Pieler & Jens Laurson “Title of Article.” Taxes On "Fatty Foods", And Their Unintended Consequences Web Site. Forbes Editor. (if there is one) - Name, ed. Not one Site Publisher, LLC™ Date of Publication. - Day Month Year 11/27/2012 Medium of Publication (Web). Date of access. - Day Month Year 15 July 2013 <URL> Author. “Title of Article.” Web Site. Editor. Site Publisher, Date of Publication. Medium of Publication (Web). Date of access. <URL> Pieler, George and Jens Laurson. “Taxes on ‘Fatty Food’ and Their Unintended Consequences.” Forbes. LLC, 27 Nov. 2012. (Web.) 15 Jul. 2013. <>