Wikispaces in Education Ana Pereira
What is a wiki? A webpage with an Edit button Easy to use Perfect for collaborative learning There are different types of Wikis
Wiki Information An online writing space for you and others (you decide to invite to your pages) No experience necessary. Does not require knowledge of html You are up and running in minutes A multimedia storage space for videos, audio, pdfs, docs, etc. Multitude of uses to meet your needs Easy to make and add pages
Why use wikis in the classroom? Posting homework, handouts, videos, & resources Creating a forum for discussion with students Use as a writing tool for students Promotes communication between students, teachers, and parents Collaborative environment for student group projects Display student work exemplars
Ms. Pereira's Biology Class Wiki: Example of a wiki: Ms. Pereira's Biology Class Wiki:
Free wiki accounts for teachers Wikispaces is offering its Plus account to teachers for FREE The Plus account offers the following: No advertising Enhanced privacy features Increased storage space Go to the website below to apply: Can take a few days to get a response
Registering and Creating your first wiki
Wiki permissions Wikispaces has different permissions settings for your space Public: Anyone can view or edit your Wikispace Protected: Anyone can view your space but only members can edit Private: Only members can view or edit your space
Wiki permissions
Editing your wiki Click the Edit button at the top of your wiki Write the text you would like on your page You can format it with bold, underline, italics, headings, and more Once you are done editing, click Save
Adding links to your page Click the Edit button Highlight the text you would like to link & click on the chain icon in the toolbar Another window appears allowing you to create a link to another page in your space or another website (external) Click Add Link
Adding links to your page
Adding images to your wiki Click the Edit button Click the icon that looks like a frame Click Upload files and browse your computer for the image you would like Upload the chosen picture or file Place your cursor where you would like the image on the page Double click the image or file to place it on the page
Adding images to your wiki
Adding media to your wiki Click Edit button Go to the icon of the TV in the toolbar Choose the type of object (widget) that you’d like to embed Follow the instructions for embedding each object Click Save
Adding media to your wiki
Additional resources for teachers Check out our K-12 Educational Community at: Wikispaces information for teachers: Handout: Wikispaces for Teachers
Activity: Create an account and a free K-12 space Go to:
Activity: Create an account and a free K-12 space Create a Wiki account Build a page, edit your wiki’s text, add links, and add an image or a video clip. View other workshop participants’ page Use discussion tab to add a comment