Conflict in the Greek World
The Persian Wars Ionian Greeks (Asia Minor) rebelled against Persian rule and Athens sends help.
Battle of Marathon Persians under Darius I crush the rebel city-states. Then they send a force to punish Athens for interfering. The force landed near Marathon (north of Athens)
Battle of Marathon The Persians outnumbered the Athenians but the Athenians hand to hand combat overwhelmed the Persians. The Persians retreated.
Pheidippides carries the news of the victory to Themistocles. Legend has it that he ran for 26 miles to announce the victory and then dropped dead. This is the basis for the marathon race in track and field.
Themistocles Athenian leader Knew the victory was only temporary Wants to prepare other defenses. Begins to build a fleet
The Greek City-States Unite Darius I dies and his son Xerxes takes over. Sends an even larger force to conquer Greece. Athens has persuaded the city-states to join in the fight against Persia.
Marathon, cont. Persians land in northern Greece. Spartan force, led by Leonidas, guarded a mountain pass at Thermopylae. Spartans hold out but will eventually lose.
How does it end? Persians march south and burn Athens, which is empty. Now the Greeks are to fight with their newly built fleet. Athens lures the Persians into the narrow straits of Salamis. Athens, with underwater battering rams, defeat the Persian fleet.
Athens leads the Delian League Because of their victory in the Persian Wars the Greeks feel superior and unique. Athens is the most powerful city-state and it organizes an alliance to cooperate and to come to one another’s defense with the other city-states. This alliance is called the Delian League.
The Age of Pericles and Direct Democracy Athenian democracy is a direct democracy where citizens take part in the daily affairs of the government. Pericles believes that all citizens regardless of wealth or social class should take part in government. This will expand and uphold the democratic traditions of Greece. So they began to pay stipend- or fixed salary, to men who participated in the Assembly. This got the poor involved.
More on Pericles Athenians are to participate in all public policy debates and vote on laws. Reflect on possible consequences to laws. A political system that allows for debate is superior to all others. Actions that are properly considered (debated) are likely to be more successful.
Jury Panel of citizens who make final judgments in a trial. Served for 1 year.
They also believed in… Ostracism- banish a public figure who was a threat to the democracy. Athenian culture. They would rebuild under Pericles and rebuild the Acropolis. Athens would become the cultural center with arts, drama, festivals and competitions. With the help of Aspasia, friend of Pericles, there will be cultural growth.
We’re not done with wars yet! Peloponnesian War Many Greeks resented Athens domination and Greece soon split into rival camps. Now we have Athens- Delian League Sparta and others- The Peloponnesian League
27 year war Sparta defeats Athens. Athens was unable to use its navy (because Sparta is inland) and Sparta had a powerful army. When Sparta was near Pericles allowed people from the countryside to move inside the city walls. Overcrowding led to a plague that killed many, including Pericles. Sparta allies with Persia and capture Athens.
The decline Peloponnesian War ended Athens domination. But, Athens economy would revive and it was still the cultural center of Greece. Now Macedonia (north of Greece) and an ambitious leader stood poised to conquer the quarrelsome Greek city-states.
The Glory that was Greece!
Philosophers Lovers of wisdom They challenged the beliefs that events were caused by the gods. Explored math, music, logic or rational thinking. Wanted to discover the laws that governed the universe.
What did they question? What is the best form of government? What standards should rule human behavior? They also developed skills in rhetoric, art of skillful speaking. Who were the Philosophers?
Socrates Stonemason and philosopher His student was Plato Wrote no books but rather talked to people about their beliefs. Socratic method- posed questions to citizens then challenged them to examine the implications to their answers. People did not like this close examination of their beliefs. The questions often made them look selfish and self-serving. Later tried for corrupting the cities youth and given the death penalty. Drank hemlock. Socrates
Plato Because of Socrates execution he had a lifelong distrust of democracy. Left Greece for 10 years and then he came back and set up a school where he taught and wrote about his ideas.
Plato Wrote the book, The Republic, his vision for the ideal state ruled by a philosopher/king. He felt that the state should regulate all aspects of its citizens lives. Wanted 3 classes Workers- produce necessities of life Soldiers- defend the state Philosophers- to rule the state
Plato Also believed men were mentally and physically superior to women. BUT, some women were superior and they should be educated to serve the state.
Aristotle Plato’s student who developed his own ideas about government. He favored a government ruled by a single, strong leader. Felt democracy could lead to mob rule.
Aristotle How to Live? Golden Mean- moderate course between the extremes He left behind his writings that universities still study today.
Greek Architecture Perfect balance Parthenon- temple dedicated to Athena
Art New style that emphasized more natural forms. Only paintings are on Greek pottery. Sculpture “Dying Gaul”
Literature Classical style- elegant writing that was harmonious and balanced. Dramas- first plays evolved out of religious festivals No scenery but many costumes. They were about moral and social issues. Tragedies were plays that told stories of human suffering. Arose the emotions of pity and fear and then relieve them. Comedy- humorous play that mocked people or customs.
Recording Events as History Herodotus- father of history. Collected information from many people. Stressed research Noted bias and conflicting accounts.
Thucydides Wrote of the Peloponnesian War Writers need to avoid bias.
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