Fingerprint Poetry Rubric Criteria 1 2 3 Imagery: Details, Word Choice Words are limited and cliché. The same words are repeated often. Language is confusing or vague. Words do not create pictures. There is more telling than showing. Some words are fresh and original. However, work contains clichés and repetition. Much of the language is vague or awkwardly worded. Some words create pictures, but there is a great deal of telling and not enough showing. Words are exceptional, fresh and original. Verbs are vivid and specific. Words consistently crate pictures in the reader’s mind. Voice No personal voice is evident. Personal voice is evident. You can sometimes tell how the author feels about his or her subjects. A compelling and engaging voice is evident in the writing. The reader can picture the author’s personality. Conventions There are many capitalization, punctuation, or spelling mistakes. There are some capitalization, punctuation or spelling mistakes. There are few if any capitalization, punctuation or spelling mistakes. Design The final product is somewhat messy with little attention paid to detail or design. Pencil marks or mistakes may be visible. There are some polished elements of the final product but attention still needs to be paid to detail and design. The finished product is polished with attention paid to detail and design. There are no visible pencil lines or mistakes. All writing and images are clean and polished. TOTAL ___________/ 12