‘Ontology Management’ Peter Fox (Semantic Web Cluster lead) Tetherless World Constellation ‘Ontology Management’ Peter Fox (Semantic Web Cluster lead) ESIP Water Cluster Jan 5, 2010
Ontology Spectrum Thesauri “narrower term” relation Frames Tetherless World Constellation Thesauri “narrower term” relation Selected Logical Constraints (disjointness, inverse, …) Frames (properties) Formal is-a Catalog/ ID Informal is-a Formal instance General Logical constraints Terms/ glossary Value Restrs. Originally from AAAI 1999- Ontologies Panel by Gruninger, Lehmann, McGuinness, Uschold, Welty; – updated by McGuinness. Description in: www.ksl.stanford.edu/people/dlm/papers/ontologies-come-of-age-abstract.html
Knowledge Management Means - model and instances – Tetherless World Constellation Means - model and instances – Often the model is really a schema or data model These models are either close-world semantics or informal ontologies (see ontology spectrum) Limits ontology ‘management’ due to heterogeneity Success may depend on a rationalization choice, e.g. all closed or all open (world)… Level of knowledge representation, RDF, OWL, OWL 2 is another factor Use of ontology must drive management choices
Management Creation of logical collections Physical data handling Tetherless World Constellation Creation of logical collections Physical data handling Interoperability support Security support Data ownership Metadata collection, management and access. Persistence Knowledge and information discovery Data dissemination and publication
2009-03-05 (Chris Bizer)
Knowledge Management Supposition: Tetherless World Constellation Supposition: Models and formalisms will evolve as people and their communities ‘come up to speed’ Modes of use will expand, i.e. application levels will use combinations of inference, rules, query Integration framework, mid-level ontologies with modules imported Been an ideal to date but has been limited in application Recent progress and emerging better practices tell us that curation (people-intensive) is essential (no formalism or tool to do this, yet) Use cases, use cases, use case New features of OWL 2 are looking very promising
Candidate ontologies, sources Tetherless World Constellation Nope, I am not going to list them on a slide
Governance Due to curation needs: Tetherless World Constellation Due to curation needs: Models and formalisms will evolve as people and their communities ‘come up to speed’ Modes of use will expand, i.e. application levels will use combinations of inference, rules, query Yes, this is a repeat Governance framework is / will be needed: ESIP? Problem: domain/ application practitioners separated from ‘technology’ practitioners Use cases are the implementation test(s)